Re: LOST Season 6 -- All Good Things Must Come To An End
quick note:
Sawyer's line, something like: "the pilot that looks like he came from a Burt Reynolds movie" made me laugh as much as any other one liner in the 6 seasons of this show.
that was one of the best of the best one lines.
So no comments about the show last night?
Now we see that Desmond's hit on Locke was to get him with Jack. Interesting way to do it.
It's also kind of interesting to see how the groups are connecting in the alternate time- there's the Jack group- Claire, Locke, Jin, Sun, and the Saywer group- Kate and Sayid (and miles)- Charlie does not have a fit, yet.
Poor Claire- given up for loony- and abandoned again. But we still don't know how she was "lost" in the first place- I wonder if fLocke looked like Christian to get her away from Aaron, and then who knows.
It was also interesting to hear the idea again that if fLocke talks to you, you are on his side. I'm not sure if I buy that- I surely can see if fLocke talks to you, and you do what he says, then you have issues. But seeing Sayid and Desmond makes me think that it's much about choice, now, as the original "bet" between MIB and Jacob implies. I'm seeing that choice in humanity is winning over choice of personal self.
Wonder if fLocke figured that James was going to betray him, which is why he set him off in the boat in the first place- which puts all of the Losties in one place at one time. Alas, Jack ruined that, getting off the boat.
(side note- wasn't it nice to see Jin and Sun reunite??? Although, I gotta call the writers out on this one- they would have been speaking Korean, not English at that time. No way do you choose your alternate language when you meet a loved one and your whole basis of thought is in the base language- I can relate to that with my wife. Still- finally).
Wonder why Claire would have gone to a downtown agency to do her adoption, on the same floor as Iliana's company- nice. Makes it easy for Desmond to make that connection. Interesting reaction for Jack, when he found out he had a sister... Where was his mom, BTW, for the meeting?
Nice little circle of things happening- a long time ago, we had the evil Ben on his face, being operated on by Jack. Now we have calm Locke who is now evil in one time line, on his face, being operated on by Jack. Love it.
Anyone else hope that Juliet can get away from fighting the V's long enough to make a James connection at the end?