Re: LOST Season 6 -- All Good Things Must Come To An End
A couple of things noted from last night...
Starting with ben and his dad...
Dharma happened. Which puts the end of the island right at the time the bomb went off. Before we start twising our minds into the circular nature of the alternate future- consider this- since Sayid shot Ben prior to the bomb (and dad shot sayid), did ben get shot on the island? If Ben saw Sayid, would he recognize him- they did talk a lot? Did everthing we saw prior to the bomb happen or not?
The split of "teams"-
this may be somewhat obvious, but watching the split between fLocke and the remains of Jacob- it's people who have killed vs. not, for the most part. Sayid, James, Jin, and Kate have all killed someone- I can't recall about claire- but she sure has on the island. OTOH- Jack, Hurley, Sun have not (intentionally- I'm sure Jack has lost someone in surgury- goes with the territory). It will be interesting to see how this war plays out. Ben is the interesting change in the mix- clearly has was very much a killer, since he wiped out the entire Dharma group. Yet now he's been invited back to the Jacob clan....
It appears that Whidmore was banned with his relationship with the MIB- no real surpise there.
Richard was a prisoner or was shacked on the Black Rock? BTW, if the jacob rules apply to Jack, then he could not kill himself- the fuse stopped.
As for Jacob's "gift"- seems not like much of a gift at all- you become a prisoner to "protect" his vision of the island. When you see how that is not all that great- this is becoming a battle of bad vs. bad- there is no good on either side. One side is death, the other side is eternity on an islolated island.
Was the alternate current story kind of predictable? Alex needed the principle, and we know he's a bastard, so he would do what he wanted to remain in power- to the point of calling Ben's bluff. On a side note- it's interesting to see how choices that are made in the alternate current are the same as what happened in the past on the island- pretty close to currnet time- we know Alex was killed ~60 days after the plane crash due to Ben's decision to trust Jacob and keep his power- and now at very close to the same time- the other choice happened- Ben gave up on power to help Alex. Interesting, eh? Does the island recognize the alternate future, to "forgive" ben?
That was a good show.