Mr. Know It All
Re: Little Known Facts and D-III Tidbits 09-10!
2 majors and a game suspension in the 3rd with 5 minors in the last minute? Now I wasn't there but do you think maybe those infractions happened because of the score?
Simple enough.. 17 goals was payback for rough play. In the two games there were 57 infractions called. 34 minor penalties on Friday. On Sat 2 majors and a game suspension in the third period with 5 minors in the last minute. There were many infractions that were let go, too. If you didn't see it, then don't complain. There were plenty of ice bags on the players after Fridays encounter. It would be best if RIT and Potsdam dont meet again this year in hockey- perhaps a few rounds of kick boxing would be more appropriate.
2 majors and a game suspension in the 3rd with 5 minors in the last minute? Now I wasn't there but do you think maybe those infractions happened because of the score?