Re: Irish Hockey: Straight Inta Compton
Can someone explain to me what "personal" problems existed during the 2009-2010 season that keeps getting alluded to here and elsewhere. I hear it mentioned but no one ever explains what actually happened, so i'm completely in the dark.
Here are some questions:
1. Who was the player who was kicked off the team?
2. Why did Brad Phillips, Kyle Palmeri, and Ian Cole (all blue chip players) all abruptly leave?
3. What did the players who left after that season say about the situation, what did the coach say?
I don't want to beat this over the head, but i'm just curious. I have heard things here and there, and when added with our terrible record that year, I just don't know how all the pieces fit together.
Injuries, personality and leadership all played a huge part in that season's failure to live up to expectations. Some people felt the wrong people were named captains. Others felt that nothing could have overcome the loss of so many key players for too many games. No single factor can be isolated, but IMO the lack of leadership and selfish play at too many times were certainly harder to watch than the injuries.
Ian Cole and Ted Ruth left in large part because both had suffered multiple concussions and felt it was in their best interest to pursue pro prospects immediately. Cole has played for the Blues last season and this, and has been a pretty productive player with their top farm club. Ruth hasn't had that success yet, and hasn't been too close to a call up to the NHL. I believe he has dealt a little with some other injury issues as well.
Palmieri was "encouraged" to pursue his pro opportunities following his freshman season. He was one of about a dozen ND players arrested that off season but unlike the others his was a bit more serious, as he was charged with assaulting the officer who arrested him for public intoxication. He drunkenly tussled with the officer and allegedly attempted to grab his taser gun. In my opinion he was one of the most selfish players I have ever seen at Notre Dame, and his on the ice attitude reflected that. Jackson even sat him the weekend following his return from the World Juniors, something he did not do with Johns or Tynan this season.
Philips was "asked" not to return as well. In fact his picture and profile were not even included among those of the rest of the departed players in last years media guide. Palmieri didn't even get that treatment. Tells you something about how burnt those bridges must have been.
None of the players have ever commented on the season to my knowledge at all. Why would some of them when they were likely the problem? Cole returned to South Bend and finished his education. I'm not sure about Ruth's academics. I believe both left in good standing with the team and the university, and I don't think either Ruth or Cole were part of the problems.
Jackson said fairly soon after the season ended that there was a sense of entitlement among a number of the players. He said quite a few were playing more for themselves than for the team. He insinuated that there was a lack of willingness to pay the price physically to compete. He even went so far as to set up boxing matches as a new part of their physical readiness training. And he made the well thought out move of naming Joe Lavin as the team's captain. A risky move on his part perhaps, following the off-season underage drinking arrests of nearly the entire incoming freshman class, arrests that took part in the house Lavin leased. But for a number of reasons Lavin was the proper choice, as he proved his leadership both during the summer and throughout the course of the season.
I guess we'll see what the real issues are this year (if any) once the season ends.