Is this fallout from holding the FF in St. Louis, at Ford Field and now in Tampa? The continual increase in ticket prices? Both?
Dedicated fans who shell out good money every year are being denied seat between the goals
With the exception of 2010 in Detroit, I have purchased tickets every year since 1976. I've received my 2012 seat assignments:
Priority 14: SECTION 110, ROW F
As was the case for 2011, most high priority applicants have been diverted to seats on the curves or behind the nets.
Considering the large number of lower bowl, side arena seats between the blue lines, for whom is the NCAA holding these prime locations? Inquiring minds want to know.
Section 123, Row F - Priority 12
Tickets went on sale yesterday through the St. Pete Times Forum website (Tickemaster) and they were in the 300 level.
Of course last year's thread never reached a final conclusion, because yours truly coughed up the puck and didn't get a final summary posted.Didn't follow the thread all the way thru last year, but didn't pretty much nobody get declined last year? I'd defintely be surprised to see anyone declined this year.