Re: Hockey East: A New Big 4?
Um... aren't BC, BU, and NU the original runts? They've been scheduling OOC games with HEA teams before it was cool.
We can do 11.
Hea can split into "haves" & "runts"
Haves-- BC BU PC NU MC have shown they aren't afraid to schedule ooc games on the road and can get teams to come to their barns.
Runts-- uhn Umass umlol uvm uconn umo already schedule ooc games against each other.
So the haves stay in a group and play everyone 2x (20 league games)
The runts play everyone 2x but add an extra hea game with other runts (25 league games).
Playoff time there can be a play in runt game between r5&r6.
Then we have r1vh5, r2vh4, and so on best of 3.
Then a final five type for the garden finals with highest have seed getting a bye (because really, no runt team outside of umlol would ever be considered a potential top seed).
All set! Bibbity bobbity boo
Um... aren't BC, BU, and NU the original runts? They've been scheduling OOC games with HEA teams before it was cool.