And the reality is, despite your and many others' protestations on the Right about how "often" the "experts" have changed their recommendations or, the modelers have been "off" in some of their predictions since Covid really got going in February, this IS a NOVEL VIRUS... I know you know what that means Chuck. It's a brand new virus that even the top scientists and doctors in the world who have dealt with these types of things their entire professional careers, are still wrapping their heads and hands around. Meaning... yes, even these legitimate, world renowned experts are going to be "off" occasionally. Recommendations change because the knowledge around and about the virus does. It's pretty basic common sense actually. But again, you already know this. But for you and Jeb and J.D. and others, this is no longer about actual science or facts. It's about the reality that you chose to tie your political horse to the hitching post known as Donald J. Trump.
And Jeb... first, regarding the asymptomatic referee who infected up to 400 others...I'm curious, have you spoken with that referee or those in the medical community in that area who performed his/her test? Or those who did the actual contact tracing? Because unless you have, I'm sorry but, I'm going to take the word of a reporter from one of the most respected papers in the world who likely actually spoke to someone in the Maine Department of Health, versus you.
Next, you're right Jeb...lockdowns/stay at home orders don't "eliminate" the virus. You know what's funny about that statement? Literally no one advocating more conservative approaches claims that they do "eliminate" the virus. What those strategies (along with significant "buy in" to masking and social distancing) do accomplish, is to reduce overall infections, which in turn reduces hospitalizations, which in turn reduces unnecessary (and preventable) deaths.
Paragraph #1. Maybe you should pump the breaks when you get some real time info then if it always has to be retracted or adjusted because it is a Novel Virus? Just a thought. Because if all along there have been inconsistent messaging, info, modeling, ect. then most likely it will continue to happen. Flat out awful modeling (Neil Fergusson, Emprial College, ect., MN Modeling), measures taken with major consequences, ect. And the awful modeling that took place had nothing to do with it being a Novel virus, it had to do with egregious inputs to create the exact outputs that they wanted to to create hysteria. That is precisely what created the environment to implement these horrendous measures that have so many consequences that will last for many years to come.
We’ve tested half of the entire state of Minnesota. We’ve tracked over 300,000 infected people.
Throw out the covid models… we have the real data.
Survival rate outside long term care = 99.90%
Under age 60 = 99.98%
Survival rate overall = 99.71%
Paragraph #2 -
And Jeb... first, regarding the asymptomatic referee who infected up to 400 others
I'm sorry but, I'm going to take the word of a reporter from one of the most respected papers in the world who likely actually spoke to someone in the Maine Department of Health, versus you.
Man you are one hysterical fanatic. Did you read your article even? 400 people were not infected by the asymptomatic referee. The article from one of the most respected papers in the world states "An Ice Hockey referee that tested positive for Covid-19 has potentially exposed some 400 people to the virus after officiating 8 recreational games in two days in Maine & New Hampshire."
What word of the reporter are you taking exactly? This is hardly a big deal at all. If one of these 400 people was very sick, in the hospital, ect. the reporter would be all over it like a fly on sh*t. The most they can come up with is exposure to someone who was asymptomatic which means based on the data we have now about the testing, there is a 90% chance this ref didn't have an active infection.
On a side note there you go with that silly language again trying to always over validate your claims, if you had good points to make you wouldn't need to constantly talk about your experts, and world renowned papers, "and almost all the experts agree," ect.
Paragraph #3 -
What those strategies (along with significant "buy in" to masking and social distancing) do accomplish, is to reduce overall infections, which in turn reduces hospitalizations, which in turn reduces unnecessary (and preventable) deaths.
No actually those strategies don't work at all, certainly not in any significant sense. 9 months into this we know that the curves in all regions end up following the exact same trajectory of time and peak once it hits, regardless of measures taken or not taken.
You are more than free to take what you feel are the necessary precautions against what you feel is your risk, by all means.
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