Those pesky facts. They are so inconvenient! Don't you understand people need to forget folks are dying? They are tired of playing Pandemic. It has been 8 long months. They need to be distracted and entertained!! The serfs should be willing to die so people don't have to deal with reality. [insert picture of red-lined sarcasm meter]
What "facts" are you relying upon? Speculative, educated guesswork ... or the actual data?
I've posted the NH data above, and Jeb has continuously posted the data from MN elsewhere.
No one - none of you - ever challenges the data. By definition, data is closer to "facts" than guessing.
At my age, based on the NH data, I'm eight (8) times as likely to die in a car accident than from COVID. Let's say COVID deaths at my age group (under 60) double in the next 3 months (full year). That means I'm still four (4) times more likely to be killed in a car accident than from COVID-19.
Yet almost every day, I get in my car and live my life. And most people my age do the same.
I can assure you, I do not fear for my life (or those of others) every time I get in a car.
If some drunk driver crosses the center line and kills me tonight ... hey, that's incredibly unlucky. Wrong place, wrong time. Kind of like COVID-19. If I happen to get it, and have a (much) worse result than the 99.7% of folks in my age group who contract it and survive ... hey, that's incredibly unlucky too. I'm willing to take that risk. If you're not, no one is forcing you to do anything. Hunker down in the basement, or move to California. Whatever floats your boat. Difference is, risk averse people want to prevent people like me from living my life close to normal (within reason), for a host of speculative reasons.
Life is difficult, and downright dangerous at times. It's not supposed to be easy, snowflake. Suck it up and play through. We're all going to die someday from something.
Or is that another "fact" you're uncomfortable with?