From where I sit the guy (or people) who deserve a huge amount of credit for Brown's win is the guy who prepped him for David Gergen's question in the debate about "Teddy Kennedy's seat." That business about it's not Kennedy's seat, it's not the Democrats' seat, it's the people's seat was perfect--a towering homer over the center field wall. The sort of thing a candidate preps for hoping there's some fool out there who will give them a chance to use the line (Lloyd Bentsen: "I was a friend of JFK's, etc.").
It just seems like after the debate, the air went out of Marcia's balloon. 'Course, in the debate she talked about her foreign policy experience based on her sister's address and the "fact" that there aren't any terrorists left in Afghanistan.
But that one answer seemed to crystalize his candidacy and established him as a guy who was standing up to the dynastic assertions of the Democrats. After all, they NAMED this health care monstrosity after Teddy.
Even a bad Democratic candidate like Marcia should be able to win in Massachusetts. It wasn't all Obamacare either. It was allowing panty boy to lawyer up, civil trials for terror suspects instead of military tribunals, dropping the ball on Fort Hood and the inability to say it was Islamist terrorism and not some poor "Dr." who slipped his clutch. A feeling that this administration isn't really certain about who the enemy is (or if we even have one) and how to deal with him.