Everyone is familiar with the arguments on either side of the Massachusetts senate race. However, here's one not quite as well known. It's Martha Coakley's involvment in one of the day care "rape" cases that so besmirched the American legal system in the 80's and 90's. Toward the end, when the last defendant was about to be released, she fought like a tiger and kept this innocent man imprisoned for another couple of years.
As the Wall Street Journal's Dorothy Rabinowitz points out, Coakley's involvement came long after just about everyone but Coakley in the state's legal system had come to understand that a horrible miscarriage of justice had been done. Not only were these people innocent. There was no crime committed in the first place. The Massachusetts case, along with McMartin, Wenatchee, Washington, Little Rascals in North Carolina and others were all remarkably similar. "Believe the children" and "children don't lie" were the platitudes endlessly uttered by the latter day Savonarolas as they ruined lives from coast to coast. We have since learned about false memories, that children can be manipulated to believe utterly in events that never occurred.
Martha Coackley didn't bring or participate in this prosecution. She did, however, help to extend an innocent man's suffering. IMO she was either on the make politically and willing to keep an innocent man in prison to advance her career or she was so inept as to actually think this prosecution had arrived at just verdicts. Either way, I believe she's disqualified for the United States senate.
Rabinowitz got a Pulitzer for her reporting on this case.