I just farted.
Off the meat/soy thing. Adults who want their kids to win even if it means screwing the other team/kids in a way that is so blatant it is embarassing really grind my gears. Cmon people. If you are going to cheat at least be subtle about it. Your kids weren't fooled and nether were any of the others.
Since we "evolved" from primates, did you ever think that maybe what our stomachs/digestive systems can handle "evolved" (adapted) too? Perhaps humans ate raw meat and through however many thousands and thousands of years, because meat was later cooked, raw meat was rejected by the body? Just saying.
We have meat eating teeth...well god, why don't we just eat babies then too? That's a weak supporting argument.
In other news, idiot co-workers continue to grind my gears. Sourcing a part with a new supplier without consulting me...and now I find his chosen supplier does not have the equipment nor knowledge to make the part right. Line down, and probably 2 months worth of tooling to get good parts. Yippee!
(while we're killing babies, can we kill idiots like this too? All in the name of progress!)
If we eat all the babies, just think of how much money we would save by being able to abolish all education! The possibilities are endless!I like it. Babies just wreak havoc on the environment. With their stupid parents use of disposable diapers. And then they have the nerve to grow up and use as many resources (or by the time they are of age, more) as adults. Inexcusible. Kill all the babies in the name of the environment!
In the mean time we should only eat engineered products with minimal enironmental impact, or only what you can grow in your own yard.
In other news, idiot co-workers continue to grind my gears. Sourcing a part with a new supplier without consulting me...and now I find his chosen supplier does not have the equipment nor knowledge to make the part right. Line down, and probably 2 months worth of tooling to get good parts. Yippee!
(while we're killing babies, can we kill idiots like this too? All in the name of progress!)
Why would you post this and then not explain what the jackhole did?
Oh, and tba calling out someone for "having to throw in their stupid 2 cents," that grinds my gears just a bit, if only for the delicious irony of it all.
Full rant in the sports parenting thread. Synopsis- the largest team in the league changed the rules and only allowed one event per kid at league championship track meet (5-8th graders). This was announced when we got there. They had arbitrarily removed all the kids who were in the 'second' event they were supposed to be competing in, happily removing our team's participation in any of the field events (the kids had the season records in all but one event). They also DQ the 1/2 mile winner for another team for not being on the race list after she ran and blew the doors off the 2nd place finisher. Viola- with the added 10 pts that they garnered from the 'win' in the 1/2 and our team wiped out of guaranteed 20 points in the shot guess who won the meet? um the team running the event. Go team
I hope there is a special place in hell for people who illegally use carpool lanes or ramps.
I hope there is a special place in hell for people who illegally use carpool lanes or ramps.
Went to the farmer's market this morning, and there was a moped taking up a parking space. Not a full motorcycle... a moped.
Speaking of mopeds. People riding mopeds and mopeds in general make me get a sudden urge to run them the **** over with my truck.