Cornell Big Red
Tennessee AG to Blount Pride: "Nice event you got there. Be a shame if something were to happen to it."
Artist's conception:

These are the same psychopaths.
Tennessee AG to Blount Pride: "Nice event you got there. Be a shame if something were to happen to it."
Artist's conception:
These are the same psychopaths.
We may be witnessing the Westboro Baptism of the GOP. The goal may be not policy, but to get money through controversy and red meat, and by inviting this very backlash.
There have always been people on the Far Right, even beyond braindead wingnuts like MTG and Gosar, who feed off the movement without advancing it. They generate an immense amount of publicity and attention primarily because their hate-filled rhetoric and insanely surreal assertions generate backlash, which they monetize as clicks.
Maybe the entire GOP is moving towards this. If so, it is in their interest to be in the opposition and never to have responsibility for policy, because it is far easier to talk trash when you can be utterly irresponsible.
I vote we enable the parts of the RWNM that want to lose because it is better for their business model. The irony is the greatest factotum of this strategy was Dump, who would have been so much better off just losing, claiming theft, and living the rest of his life off that lucrative poutrage. But Dump being so incompetent (and Hillary so hated), he f-cked up and actually won an election, and now he would go to prison for it if we had an actual justice system.
Last year, the Dems backed John Gibbs in the primary, who ended up losing in the general. John believes the 19th should be abolished.
Eventually the GOP will drop all pretense and go for the 13th.
Some, likely, sure. I base this only on those that I know, so small sample size caveats like you read about here...
but the handful of "mostly socially left but anti trans" people I know come in a few flavors:The rest are just ignorant bigots.
- Pro choice, but have bought the lie that "trans people" are going after their kids.
- Havent thought about it at all as it doesn't impact them in any way, and only really hear the anti-trans side so that's them.
- (Much more rare) So suspicious of white people that they think being trans is white people trying to appropriate minority status from them.
The Iraqi politician who introduced the bill into parliament is absolutely certain: Any behavior that deviates from heterosexuality is a danger to his country. This is why, in mid-August, Raad al-Maliki introduced a bill that would amend Iraq's "Law on Combatting Prostitution" from 1988 to make same-sex relations a crime, alongside any kind of expression of transgender identity.
Should al-Maliki's bill be passed, same-sex relationships in Iraq would be punishable by death or long prison terms. The bill also pertains to transgender women and sets a penalty of up to three years in jail or a fine of up to €7,100 ($7,700) for anyone who "imitates a woman." The latter is defined as wearing makeup or women's clothing or "appearing as a woman" in public.
Right wingers claim rates of "detransition" (going off hormones) are high, like 80-90%. Yet the regret rate remains at roughly 2%.
And again we see that heterosexuality is the only form of sexuality that must be enforced.
I'd be willing to say everyone who identifies as a Christian sincerely believes in some sense. The vast majority likely believe in the cowardly conservative Pascal's Wager sense -- "Oh, Bluto, we might get in trouble!" That's likely always been the case -- the vast herd of humans of bovine intelligence analogize from their pappy whupping them as a child to Sky Daddy withholding the rain because they played with their winkie wrong. The craven Lewis-Chesterton bully boy Christianity where you puff out your chest and say "no contraception -- pregnancy is God's punishment for spreading your legs." That's maybe half of all Christians -- the dimwits and authoritarians.
Are they "believers"? I mean... they believe in the same way all religions have always terrorized large portions of their flocks. Pure Skinnerian Behaviorism. They trip over the first step on the Maslow Pyramid. We have them right here on the thread. They speak in cartoons. They self-ID.
While it's just an accident of birth that they are Christian -- they would have sopped up any faith their dad beat into them or their brood sow mewled about from Islam to Soviet Communism -- they have a "religious" sentiment in the same sense the horse fears the whip. And TBH, after almost a lifetime of wanting these people to be freed of that, the last decade plus has taught me there may have been wisdom in terrifying these dopes into cowering servility. Left to their own devices, they actually are rapists, murderers, thieves, criminals, and, for lack of a better word... conservatives.