Does anyone care? Probably not our GM.
Way to not sign anyone who can swing a bat you ****ing jackanapes.
OK, so, this game is actually kinda fun now. Sorry Jon.
These games on ESPN Sunday nights are always so loooooooooooong.
Twitch - I learned from the best.
It's because they always show the Yankees/Red Sox.
You mean the rest of the nation wasn't subjected to seeing UCONN draw and quarter Baylor? See, there are worse things than 9 hour baseball games!
Everyone on this thread does realize that I'm going to be this pessimistic all season, right? It's carryover from watching Team Army, the Bruins "offense" and the Celtic's second half performances all winter.
Good deal all around.
$17M/yr really isn't huge money any more. Not in baseball, at least. I don't consider Beckett to be a true ace. He's not consistent enough - and really never has been. But the Bosox aren't poor, and Beckett contributes enough to merit that salary.
I think he's getting a good chunk of cash:Lester deserves that money. End of story.