Re: Frozen 4 Priority Number Confirmation email
It looks to me like they took away club seats and provided lower bowl seats vs. prior years.
The loss of the Club Seats is clearly correct. Glass seats? Not in the mix. Upper Bowl Sidelines? First three rows pulled out in advance.
But I'm not at all sure that lower bowl seats have been added. It could be that the number of non-public seats behind the nets has been reduced. In other words, the public lottery may now have a
higher percentage of the seats behind the nets. Another possibility is that the lower bowl in Pitt is a little larger than some of its counterparts; that could result in some extra lower bowl seats. But to my eye, this year's block of seats is very similar to what priority holders have been given from St. Louis forward. (obviously excepting the FFFF.)
My guess is that demand level is a significant variable here. As we've discussed extensively in the past, your particular priority level tends to be at the cut point between the lower bowl or otherwise. I'm guessing that the demand for Pittsburgh has been a little soft, allowing you back into the lower bowl. It's also likely that since you've stuck with it, you've moved past some priority holders in the pecking order.
I was in the lower bowl in St. Louis, near the front of the balcony in Denver and DC, and then in club seats the past two years.
You had poor results a couple of times, falling just below the lower/upper cut line. I'm glad your luck evened out with those club seats. Or, maybe it wasn't a matter of luck. Maybe the NCAA realized that the mid-level priority holders took it on the chin a few times, and the last couple of years were something of make-up call. From my vantage point -- one priority point below the top --I've felt my seats were worse than the club level seats mid-level applicants got recently.
I was able to buy lower bowl in the corner on Friday.
It will be interesting to see when the lower bowl seats run out.
To those currently purchasing: How is the selection of lower bowl seats at this point? Are there plenty? Only a few?
With the possible exception of a handful of top priority folks, they've never offered the between-the-blue-lines lower bowl seats for sale.
Mostly correct; but I have to tweak your comment just a bit. For the majority of the tournaments, there have been a handful of "lottery winners" between the blue lines. Granted, the number of winners was small, and the seats were widely scattered. Also, a substantial number of us had seats
near the blue lines in both St. Paul 2002 and in DC. That also constituted a lottery win, IMHO. Same thing with your recent club seats.
Big Picture? The worst thing about new system is that it crushes any hope of such a lottery win.