Anyone who was undecided and uses this as the deciding factor is worthless. However, to think no one in the opposition camp is going to make hay with the story is the height of naivete. It's what campaigns are about. It isn't anything new. Everyone says they want a high-minded campaign on the economy, jobs, foreign policy etc but they tune out anytime a politician mentions those issues. The classic example is Al Gore being skewered on SNL for being a policy wonk. Bob Dole spent a great deal of his campaign in 1996 talking about the issues and he got slaughtered in the election. After the campaign, we learned he had a sharp sense of humor - which wouldn't have changed the outcome of the election, but if he had let the American people into that side of himself it would have been closer.
If this had been a story about Barack Obama, do you suppose for a minute Fox "News" or the rest of the right-wing media would have shown restraint and said, "No, this is a story from so long ago it doesn't matter now." If you believe that, I have some oceanfront property in Montana to sell you.