Sounds like Arizona has enough signature to put abortion on the nov ballot
Huge news from Arizona: Abortion rights will be on the ballot in November! To give you an idea of the incredible enthusiasm in AZ, the original goal was 500,000 signatures before the July 3 deadline -- and organizers got there more than three months early. We're grateful to everyone in Arizona who mobilized to make this happen, especially the many Indivisibles who collected thousands of signatures in every county from Apache to Yuma!
Dementia Donnie was pushing for Nebraska to be winner takes all electoral votes, but it failed to pass tonight.
Will this POS ever be held accountable for anything?
Trump Posts Multiple Articles Attacking Judge’s Family Despite Expanded Gag Order
Trump tests expanded gag order
complained about having to pay bond while appealing civil judgments against him, saying, “If you kill somebody, there’s no bond.”
So......Dementia Donnie at his rally in Green Bay.
Yes, because your azz is sitting in a jail cell.
Will this POS ever be held accountable for anything?
Trump Posts Multiple Articles Attacking Judge’s Family Despite Expanded Gag Order
Trump tests expanded gag order
So......Dementia Donnie at his rally in Green Bay.
Yes, because your azz is sitting in a jail cell. Edit. Unless they let you out on bail. Which I guess is pretty similar to paying a bond.
So......Dementia Donnie at his rally in Green Bay.
Yes, because your azz is sitting in a jail cell. Edit. Unless they let you out on bail. Which I guess is pretty similar to paying a bond.
So Florida's gonna vote 58% for pot, 61% for abortion rights and 53% for Trump.
60% won't be hard for either...especially with the 6 week ban kicking in next month.
Faux is really freaking out over Abortion being on the ballot in Florida and Arizona. Lots of blonde bimbos and rednecks saying Trump is giving the Dems and easy path.
Fake numbers. Bread doesn't cost what it did four years ago, so gotcha, libT@rd.
Good economy my azz.
Look, I get what you are saying...
But this is something that the D's really need to be able to hit the mark with their messaging on. It's an area that truly does hurt when you are affected and people want to put someone/something to blame. And since most people don't follow economic statistics, you need to be able to speak to them. Continually calling the economy "great" when people are fighting tooth and nail to keep the fridge full and the lights on is NOT a great stance to have as your centerpiece.