Re: Easter 2010: Alleluia, Christ has risen!
This is so full of logical failures its astounding. You could just say you believe in the rising of Yeshua from the grave and that's all you need to say. Faith is just that, faith. There is no proof of that faith that's what faith is!
But here's the deal. The New Testament is a collection of words. Words that were primarily if not completely written until after the death of Yeshua.
Here is where I can nip you at the bud. You say that the New Testament is proof that the resurrection happened. No. It's proof that the writers *believe* he rose from the dead or that they believed it would be best to gain new followers by saying he rose from the dead to make his story even more inspirational. That faith can be powerful, inspirational, etc. Did he rise from the dead? I'm not sure. I wasn't there so I can't say. But to say it's proof is arrogant and delusional, and not to mention illogical. You've created a loop where proof begets proof.
Of course every religion says they are the only way. Of course! How can you win out on faith if people can shop around for whichever religion best suits them! How would a religion work if they said they weren't the only true way to salvation? Believing Christ is the only way to salvation means you are dooming everyone else on Earth who lived at the time of Yeshua who didn't have an opportunity to receive the word of God, Native Americans, Asia, etc. South American natives as well. The New Testament suggests that God had changed from the bloodthirsty militant one from the Old Testament to a loving forgiving God. But using the words of the New Testament right off the bat God dooms to hell all of my ancestors, all of China, Europe, South America and North America at the time of Yeshua's rising to Hell. I can't root for that kind of God. And if you're asking me to take complete faith in the Bible, I cannot do so.
Have a great Easter and enjoy the bounty God has given you, Dean. May everyone have a great Easter Sunday.