Re: Easter 2010: Alleluia, Christ has risen!
You and people like you are one of the main reasons I don't follow organized religion anymore. Just be nice to people. I don't give a crap about what someone does on their own time. Why is it your business if two dudes (or two chicks) want to hit it?
God loves every non-sinner, except the gay non-sinners. Let me know when love is a sin.
The hypocricies like the above are a big reason I stopped following organized religion and became spiritual:
1. There's a God. He loves everyone, even the sinners, as long as they atone for their sins.
2. We all sin, since none of us are perfect (well, Gopher fans are darn close

). But if a person does truly try to do their best to lead a good life, and is kind to others, etc, God likes that, and that person goes to heaven, whatever heaven is to them.
3. The world is my church, I don't need a designated building to go to every Sunday or on certain days. Whenever you do something nice for someone, or resist sin, that's like praying/thanking God in my eyes.
4. (and please, let's not get into a big to-do about this next one) God went "Abracadaba" and created this big glop of crap we call the universe(s). Then He said, "Let's see what happens. This could be really good. Now, I'm gonna go get me some popcorn and watch." Science took over from there.