Re: Does Brown care about women's hockey?
Nonsense. You might just as well argue that by coming on here bashing parents posting their concerns about the team, you are indirectly bashing their daughters that play for the program.
I've no connection to it, but it's obvious to me that the Brown program is in trouble. Each time there's a thread concerning it a lot of people who have no connection to the program seem to feel obligated to belittle the people who do have some connection and are expressing their concerns. There is no justification for it. You aren't thread sheriffs. Don't like the subject, don't read the thread.
If the program continues on the path it's on, imploding may well be the mildest term people will use down the road. Here's hoping all the hockey mavens ridiculing the Brown parents' concerns today will feel enough chagrin to refrain from opinionating then.
We are not ridiculing the Brown parents' concerns, we are ridiculing their coming to this forum without specific facts (and sometimes even wrong information - see injured player who walked out on the team) about why there is turnover on the Brown roster, complaining about a coach's demeanor and equating those actions with the demise of the Brown team. News flash - Digit has been the same "charming"

character behind the bench for a long time.
When challenged, none of them admitted to doing the basic research of asking Digit (or the players themselves) about the players on her roster and why they were no longer there - something that anyone researching a prospective team should ask. They didn't help their daughters figure this out, so they have nobody to blame but themselves.
The one fact that they do have correct is that Brown's record has been slipping, but for all of the ADs/Coaches in the stands that doesn't take much talent to call for the coach's head.
No, what you have here are a bunch of whiney parents who can't get the idea that the overwhelming majority of the members here don't appreciate their trashing any coach's reputation without substantial facts. Especially at the beginning of a season - an action and message to their daughters that the season is lost before November is done is not helpful to the situation.
I think you have some misplaced sympathy here. You'd be surprised how much good will there is here for parents at other struggling programs. If you go back a couple of years and look at one poster who cheered on her daughter's struggling program at Chatham, you'd see plenty of sympathy for her especially for getting one poster (who didn't even have a girl in hockey) banned who was getting very personal and sexist in his attacks. While at times you could see that she was uncomfortable with some of the situations at the school, she was respectful in her comments and earned plenty of respect from many here including myself (alleged Digit Booster and Brown Parent hater). And she still posts around here, even after her daughter finished her time in hockey.
Yes the Brown program is struggling. A legitimate discussion topic, if posters have actual facts or even some good analysis. But that is not a free pass for the parents of that program to trash the coach(s) without presenting real information.
I fully endorse the change of topic as a more humane way to drown out that noise rather than having to explain this over and over.
Now where were we??? Oh, yeah. I Love Lucy....