As unimpressive as this will sound to most of you, it's a positive thing for me. Halved my mile/rate as of today. Was doing about a 20 minute mile (not really on any pace, just wanted to get to a mile) at the beginning of January after 5 months of depression, craziness, laziness, and other factors). As of today, I'm down to a 10 minute mile.
Not a huge deal to you marathon-ers (it would take me days to finish one), but a nice start for me. I've got my eye on this race in
Waterville Valley -
race info. 148 days until race day.
(I'd like to thank Fox's "Mike and Molly" tv-show for realizing that life as a punch-line really sucks.)
We're also doing strength training (for me) and weight-lifting (for the bf) both to get healthy (and for potential jobs - for me).