Re: Diet and Exercise 2010: Whatever it takes
Shows what 6-7 day workweeks and eating at your desk can do to you, even if you can find time to workout.
I think I reads somewhere that in terms of weightloss 80% of it is diet driven. I wish I could find the article I just read, I am not sure if it was in Women's Health or Whole Living, but it was a breakdown of which is better Diet or Exercise. Bottom line, both are important but each one addresses different items that are part of your overall health.
I think I might work out more/harder if I had Michigan's strength and conditioning team yelling at me like I did there. And if that's how they treated a bunch of women, I wonder what they are like to the football team.
I definatly need someone yelling at me, or just simply the pressure of just quiting infront of a group.
I finally joined a gym this afternoon. Found a simple one that just had cardio and weights, was open 24 hours (with keycard access), and costs a mere $35/month. It'll be nice working out at 6 AM without waking everyone else up...
Nice. At somepoint I will need to find a place with a pool. But I am still a couple of months from that. Still building the strength back up in my shoulders for that. I do feel confident that with crossfit when I get back into the pool this time, training will go much much better.
In the meantime, since I can't run Seaway, I decided to make up for it by running the Coast Guard 10K in Grand Haven next month, the Hey Radio 5K in August, and the Old Boys' 1/2 in September, all with my eyes on getting ready for Detroit in October.
When and where are those runs, maybe I will come up for one of em.
Those of you that were talking about dumping soda a few days ago - wondering your thoughts on drinking alternatives. I'm not big on water (it doesn't have enough taste for me), but am okay with tea. Also, what are your thoughts on something like Crystal Lite? Just as bad as soda? I'm looking for a low calorie flavored drink that won't kill me or my teeth. Thanks for the input!
I think it depends on the person. For me, I love drinking water, second only to pepsi. If you were to line up 100 sugar drinks (without pepsi) and water, I will pick water everytime. It is just pepsi. So for me, I dont want to find a replacement for it, I just want it gone.
Right now I am down to every other day. So maybe next week it gets bounced again. Hopefully for good!!!
And I am starting to come out of my overall paleo detox fog. Grains are gone, dairy is gone, Eating a ton of protein and veggies and I am starting to get my energy back. Just need to ditch this last bit of soda.
I have to say that there are times when I hate running (usually when we "up" the amount of jogging in our training program), but the feeling afterward is truly awesome. (tcbg and I are working through our second week of Week 2 in the Couch to 5K program. Because neither one of us is in great shape, we're doing each "week" twice to insure that a) we don't overdo it and b) to be sure we don't hurt ourselves by increasing too quickly.
Good plan, being injuried sucks and it might end up discouraging you. You guys should find a race to do. You can always run/walk it approrpiate for whatever level you are moving at that week, but it gives you a goal. And there are soooo many good races in Boston.
**** I was going to suggjest this one but it is a 5 miler, you should do a 5k for a first one, but it is a fun race.
Anyways you can look at for races by state. Shoot for something around labor day. And dont feel like you need to run the whole thing. I would do 5k's with my mom, she would walk I would run, then I would go back and make her run the end.

(cause I am mean like that)
I generally opt for straight water, but I agree that adding a few shots of fruit juice can be helpful to give it some flavor. One of my buddies also adds slices of lemons, limes or oranges to his water pitchers. I think you'd have to change that out frequently, but it's a good way to add flavor. If I'm working out or working in the yard on a hot, sultry day (right now our heat indexes are above 100), I go for powered Gatorade in the water bottles.
Yeah I will hit gatorade especially if i am playing hockey at night. I find I have a real hard time rehydrating before I go to sleep, even if I drink a ton of water. So the gatorade seems to help me absorbe it better and then I dont get the evil deydration headaches.
Currently getting very frustrated with not doing anything, but I have headaches and vertigo courtesy of an ******* with a hockey stick in my game Sunday night.
It has taken a LOT of self control not to go to crossfit, but I went yesterday and felt sick just doing sit-ups, so I'm trying to not be an idiot and take a couple of days off.
It is so hard not to go isn't! I wanted to go in yesterday but I had been in the last two days in a row. I still have some soreness from Mon & Tues workout and I want to make sure I am good for hockey on friday. So I think I might just do an easy jog today to make sure everything is healed up.
Try sparkling water or adding some fruit to it. I drink a lot of tea, either green or yerba mate, sweetened with a dash of honey. I've also tried diet soda made with stevia rather than aspartame; it's actually pretty good.
And I'm in agreement with alfa and 'diva. Just stick to the plan, build up your base, and then speed up or slow down as you see fit.
As for my new gym, I like it. It's just an open floor with weights on one side, cardio on the other, and doesn't have anything too fancy.
I also agree stick with the plan. But that doesnt mean if you want to go for a walk on one of your off days you can't. You can take that desire to move and just go for a lesuirely walk, or do some stretching. Get a foam roller!! Seriously why did no one tell me about foam rolling before! That way you can embrace the momentum to keep on moving, without doing too much in terms of the workout plan.