Re: Diet and Exercise 2010: Whatever it takes
woohoo, first open water swim of the season today!
It's a group workout, so it wouldn't make sense to operate on your own. The point of doing it at an affiliate is for the team mentality. You can work on things on your own before or after class (although after you're shot, so it's pretty useless).
If you want to work on your own, honestly, I wouldn't see the point of paying for an affiliate membership.
I agree, for me half of it is the group mentality and the availablity of the trainers. I know I wouldnt work that hard on my own, and I dont know anything about lifting. I also really like the general atmosphere of the gym. It is pretty postive and friendly enviornment and I get the sense that many of the affilates are like that.
If you have the ablity to push thru and know about lifting you could probably skip the membership and lift at home.
is this one of these crossfit locations that only allow you to work on whatever module is formulated/class scheduled? Are you allowed to operate on your own?
edit: thinking about it more... I can probably 1-rep 125... the power clean would probably be iffy as my form is junk but I'm doing 100 from the hang position... I can probably then push press the 125 the rest of the way.
Nope everyone does the posted workout of the day. I will say mine is pretty flexible. Sometimes if there was a good running workout from the day before, and someone missed it, there is no problem doing it. It is usually only one person, a couple of people at the gym have some specific fitness goals. I am sure if it became more prominent they might change the set up.
But for me that is not the point. Someone comes up with a different workout everyday, and there are trainers there to work with you. They are always working with people on form and even thought I am new, one of my trainers because of my freakish strength came up with a game plan to get to 135. I intially failed at 125, went down to 120 and then back up to get my final lift of 125. My form is not great, and honestly at this point my form is what will keep me from lifting more, but with the work they did with me over the course of the set I feel alot better about it.
Bottom line, you need to find something interesting, something that even if you are not thrilled about doing, you will at least show up for. For me that is first hockey, but playing hockey every night just isnt feasbile, for me crossfit is a pretty **** good second. Even thought some of the workouts scare me, and I would like to go home take off my pants and call it a day, I make it to the gym. I think part of that is because you actually get to know the people at the gym, so there is some accountablity. And for me, I have slipped far enough away from my old athletic self, I need a little bit of that peer pressure. And it is different everyday so I will never get bored!!! And it makes running no longer seem like a chore.

I can barely deadlift 125.
Part of me thinks it is bad that my Crossfit Affiliate posts the WOD online - today is all running and rowing, and I really hate both, which makes me not want to go.
Yeah but you are probably in better overall shape than me. I have really hit bottom over the last couple of years. And as far as other crossfit fitness type items, such as the pull up.... I am pretty far away.
Not bad for a one repper. I see a lot of guys do the regular big lifts, but seldom these. My PR is 190-195 and failed on 200
Yeah I did the grace workout last thursday which is 30 clean and jerks for time, that one I did at 85lbs.
I like the variety of the lifting program. And I like that it is not mindless reps on a machine. I think if someone had introduced me to a lifting program like this years ago I would of been alot more interested in weight training than I have been over these last few years.
grumble grumble grumble...
I can't do that... yet.
edit: nothing against you, winger... just the whole male competitive thing going.
Haha it is ok, I still have alot of other aspects of my health to work on. And I have always been a little bit freakishly strong.