Ok read it all...I am not sure what the point of all this was except as unofan said to cut down on the length of jury selection but it isnt like they are gonna take the jurors at their word anyways. Still have no issues so I will do my best to answer here...some questions that are obvious I will be brief like some of the early ones.
Part 1
1) I have seen the video so I know the details. Also saw what happened before the third party video so know about how the altercation started. I know the history of the officers in the case and Floyd's criminal background along with his issues with substance abuse. (I will not put the details because I am not actually filling this out)
2) very negative. Even if they felt what they were doing was justified in the beginning the fact that it went as long as it did and no one stepped in even as people were watching and taping hurts my impression of them.
3) Neutral. He had a very troubling past and he was definitely not in a good place when the incident happened. That said he didn't deserve to die.
4) No
5) yes 2-3 times all in parts as it disturbs me. My impressions is that nothing in the beginning justifies the ending which is horrific.
6) yes. He was murdered. (I could go further but there is no need for the purposes of this exercise)
7) no. (not that I know of anyways)
8) yes. (cousins Pawn Shop burned down)
9) I don't know. Not much has seemed to really change.
10) I can but I don't want to so I won't ;^)
Part 2
1) Online magazines and newspapers along with international sources
2) several times a week
3) WaPo, NYTimes, Sections of the Star Tribune
4) WTf with Marc Maron, local sports show podcasts
5) Less than once a week
6) KFAN (I almost never listen tot he radio though)
7) several times a week
8) Twitter, Facebook
Part 3
1) I have had some unfavorable run ins with MPD but have also had working relationships with MPD officers as have friends and colleagues of mine so I think I can.
2) not in years
3) Yes. many members of my family and social group including myself have spoken out in favor of police reform in various levels. Friends in Minneapolis support the CC's effort to change the culture, my father protested in the 1960s for police reform and I am openly for drastic changes to help fix the culture and reputation of the MPD.
4) yes. Family member.
5) yes. I have been the victim of fraud.
6) somewhat unsatisfied.
7) in person I have not seen excessive force
8) no I have not
9) (I will only give the numbers) 5,5,5,3,2,2,4,2 (what is the criminal "just" system?),3,3,2,2
10) yes
11) yes
12) yes
13) very favorable
14) neutral
Part 4
1) 40/male
2) Masters Degree. Hold BA in Law and Criminal Deviance, Masters in Teaching and finished coursework for MBA
3) Full Time
4) Adjunct Faculty, Bartender, Accounting Supervisor, Office Worker, Mail Clerk
5) Crystal, MN
6) Plymouth, MN (1 year), Seattle, Washington (10 months), Brooklyn Center, MN (6 months), Minneapolis, MN (4 years), Plymouth, MN (1 year)
7) Long Term relationship
8) Full Time
9) BA with teaching credentials
10) N/A
11) No
12) close friends or family for all except forensics
13) Family and close friend for all 3. (plus I was a victim as previously noted)
14) no
15) served on a jury in a criminal case. Lawsuit against fast food restaurant
16) no
17) Black Belt in Karate
18) ACLU, NRDC, Act Blue, Human Rights Council, Oceana, AFT, Education Minnesota (there is more I am blanking on)
Part 5
1) I believe the jury system is as fair as the people who participate in it.
2) No. It is biased, it is corruptible and it does little to prevent further crime. It also does not rehabilitate in any way just creates a cycle of criminality.
3) no
4) no
5) no
6) no
7) no
Part 6
1) work related issues that I dont need to get into since this isnt real
2) no
3) yes
4) it would be difficult but I can do it
5) no
6) I have a full classload for school that will take up some of my time and concentration as the students needs are different during the Pandemic
7) no
8) no
9) no
10) no
11) HELL NO!
Now I answered this honestly for all to read cause I don't care. If I was actually trying to be on the jury I would have stopped after a couple of pages because there is no way I have any chance based on these questions. I would have just quit. Even though I can be unbiased in my mind I wouldnt want me on the jury if I was them. Every answer I gave made me seem like a far left radical out to destroy them as do my affiliations. Plus I read the news...not good for them. PERSONALLY I dont care about any of the questions since I wear my thoughts on my sleeve but good lord I doubt if anyone could answer these questions honestly and not disqualify themselves somehow.