Re: Colgate 2011-12
New York does not send anything out of state at all. There's no points, no insurance record, just a fine (+$55 tax on the fine). The only time out-of-state would ever be notified is if you don't pay the fine, in which case your license could be suspended.
Some free legal advice. You might want to check with Connecticut DMV first to see if they reciprocate through compact with NY in archiving driving records. If a NY driver you'd be looking at a 4 point speed. You are allowed 11 in an 18 month period. That or 3 speeding convictions can lead to a license suspension. Also it could effect your insurance. It might be worth you finding and calling a local attorney who in all likelihood could get you a reduction to a 2 point nonspeed like failure to obey a traffic control device or even a nonmoving violation like parking on the pavement. The latter two reductions would actually realize more revenue to the Town as they get to keep the money for those fines, unlike the moving violations. It shouldn't cost you a fortune for a lawyer and it could save you some money in the long run.
New York does not send anything out of state at all. There's no points, no insurance record, just a fine (+$55 tax on the fine). The only time out-of-state would ever be notified is if you don't pay the fine, in which case your license could be suspended.