I think there are only rare times when profanity is useful and maybe even appropriate. For instance, in the Radiohead song Creep- the line "you're so ****ing special" is sneered by Thom Yorke to great effect. In that case, the expletive works. Overused, it loses its impact and just sounds dumb, like you're too numb to think of anything else to say.
There was an older BU fan at Lowell Friday night getting into it with their entire student section. There were swears hurled back and forth, "FU BU" chants, etc., but the best moment was when Lowell chanted "Sit down, Grandpa!" Not highly original, but it got a laugh out of everyone on both sides and wasn't something that a parent had to explain to their kid.
The swearing just sounds lame and doesn't represent BU the way I would like the school to be represented. I'd rather see and hear some intelligence behind the vocalizations. I understand we are talking about 18-22 year old kids, but they were smart enough to get into BU, so they should be smart enough to cheer at a hockey game without resorting a few overused, ineffectual obscenities.