Re: Brown Hockey 2012-2013:Climbing the ECAC Ladder
It's refreshing in a way, isn't it?

Even though it's all backlash from getting totally screwed over by some cocky little (insert word-that-would-be-deemed-inappropriate-by-the-moderator of your choice here).
Hopefully this blatant disrespect motivates the team to go on a rampage this season.
Also, let's add Aaron Volpatti and Jack Maclellan to your list of Brown players in the NHL, in addition to the players Euler mentioned.
Well I've often said this about Bentley, and I've spent a good chunk of time watching both the Falcons and your very Bears over the years.
We play in the world's worst D1 rink that's not at AIC. But it's ours. And while it's cramped, dank, dark, damp, dingy, and any other bad word beginning with a 'd' (even our plumbing doesn't work and that first March rainstorm to melt the snow usually results in a flood somewhere in the arena), it's still ours, and I'll defend it to the day I die. It's still our home, even if it's not much. And we do love it in our own way.
Like you say, hopefully this does something to light a fire under Brown's derriere. Brown might not be a great D1 program, and the records surely indicate otherwise over the past 5-7 years. There have been some very low, very lean years. But it's still your program, and you still take pride in it. So maybe you were the 11th seed or 12th seed, but you still have a puncher's chance (like that time the team went to Albany by beating RPI and Yale). I don't think a player decommitting (with all of these details) nearly has as large an effect on them as it does on you as fans, since the coaching staff's job is to keep the players mindset on the game and not on the papers. But, like I said, they have to focus, like we do, on the players who are there, not the ones who aren't.
The players currently there are the ones who will dedicate and sacrifice for the honor of wearing a Brown jersey. And in the end, maybe this whole thing when a guy decides he doesn't want to go, will be a binding tool that brings the team together as one. It's truly an honor to represent any institution, and if a player does some type of disrespect to the program, then it's on the coaches to look at the players and say, "WE are Brown University, and WE will defend this jersey."
I don't think it'll be a "Roy's a dbag. Let's show him who's boss" attitude but it'll definitely be a "hey, everyone thinks we're nothing. no respect. let's go out there and show everyone what you're made of." Whether or not this obviously works is a different story, since the team is, in the end, still a work in progress.
I'm willing to bet Brendan Whittet has played the no respect card more than when Keith Allain gets mad about losing and refuses to shake the opposing coach's hand (haha!)