Re: Brown Hockey 2011-2012 - The Future Is Now
Hello friends of ECAC hockey,
My name is Kevin McNamara, and I will be a senior on Colgate's hockey team this year. I've had an idea for a charitable project for the past few years, and I wanted to make sure I implemented it before I finished playing for Colgate and in our league. I’ve spoken with Commissioner Hagwell, and this season the teams of the ECAC are going to join together in a project called Goals for Good.
It will be a campaign relying on the competitiveness of the teams, fans, and alumni bases of the teams in the ECAC. "Goals for Good" will be based out of a website, and on the front page, there will be a standings table, much like the one on the ECAC site, except it will rank teams by money raised. Each team will pair up with a charity or cause close to their university or community.
The front page on the website will have a link to each team/partner charity page which will explain the relation. There will also be a donate button on that page. There will be different options for donations. A donor could donate by the amount of goals that a team will score over the duration of the season (example: John Smith will donate $1 for every goal that Colgate University scores this season), a donor could donate by the amount of goals that a team will score over the course of a weekend series (example: John Smith will donate $1 for every goal that Colgate University will score this weekend against Harvard University and Dartmouth College), or a donor could donate a one-time amount (example: John Smith will donate $5 to Colgate University and Charity XYZ).
As of now, we are working on finishing the website. I am also trying to spread the word of the initiative as much as possible to build a fan base for the start of the season and the launch of the website. Goals for Good is trying to build its fan base through a Facebook Fan Page. You can find the Fan Page at It would great if you could “Like” the initiative and spread the word. I am also new to this process, so all comments and suggestions are appreciated. Sorry for breaking your thread, and thank you very much for your time and support.
Kevin McNamara