Post-game interviews with Whittet, Maclellan, Farnham After 6-4 Win vs Yale:
As much as I enjoyed the Brown interviews, watching Keith Allain is almost as enjoyable. He is so unspeakably upset with his team - and almost goes out of his way not to give Brown credit for the win - that that may be my favorite post-game spot.
To answer a couple of the previous posts, this game does a little in terms of identity. That the Bears answered a very good Yale team twice after squandering two leads of two goals speaks to the maturation - especially considering that Ryan Jacobson, a frosh, put up three points and the defense, including the first-years, played pretty well on Thursday and tonight. (The loss of Buvinow, while unfortunate, certainly provided Joey DeConcylis with his opportunity and a pretty first career goal). We saw some mettle and a win in a game that could help determine the fate of the rest of the year - lose a game like this, and you're possibly looking at a very difficult stretch. Win, and you give yourself a shot in the arm going into a tough break.
More significantly, very impressed with the play of Jacobson, Lorito, and Maclellan together. Jacobson was terrific - that the Bears were matching O'Neill, Miller and Root - an excellent line for Yale - with two freshmen, and frequently two sophomore or at least one freshman D - shows the confidence of Brendan Whittet in his younger guys, be it out of necessity or otherwise.
Finally, great to get this win over a good Yale team, to say the least. Nine goals in two games does a little to ease the sting of the four games prior, especially considering that the AIC and HC games were, in a word, brutal.
By the way, watch the smirk on Farnham's face when he is asked the question about being an antagonist (or instigator). That is absolutely the edge Brown will need from some of their older role players to support consistent success moving into the post-exam stretch of the season.