I'm guessing it's because the people responsible are no longer on the scene, while the ideological heirs of "anti-war" Democrats (Waxman, Nadler, Frank, et al) are still in Washington, and wielding even more power than ever. The "fighting" poster boy for lefty Dems, Jack Murtha, has just passed away, so they're without someone to hide behind. 'Course Murtha was a strange choice to begin with, a guy with a military background, but corrupt to an unprecedented extent, even by today's standards. That, and evidently stupid. He recommended a "repositioning" of American troops in Iraq to Diego Garcia. Oh yes, he also convicted some Marines of "cold blooded" murder in Haditha, before their trial. He wouldn't have done that for the Manson family, but to advance his cred as a "pro military" "anti-war" democrat and gain more influence from Nancy Pelosi and more clout for earmarks, he gleefully threw those boys under the bus. Nice.