Today's Brackets are ugly. Some switching was required to avoid an all-western regional in Worcester while the attendance schools were all playing in the west...
Cornell is the autobid from the ECAC (15th in PWR), UNH is the Hockey East autobid (16th) replacing Vermont (14th).
[B]Albany Worcester Fort Wayne St. Paul[/B]
Wisconsin St Cloud Miami Denver
BC Bemidji Maine CC
UND Mass UMD Ferris St
Cornell UNH AHA Champ Mich St
Reducing flights for #1 seeds:
Albany Worcester Fort Wayne St. Paul
St Cloud Denver Miami Wisconsin
BC CC Maine Bemidji
Ferris St Mass UMD UND
Cornell UNH AHA Champ Mich St
The TUC line
21 Minnesota 0.5183
22 Northern Mich 0.5175
23 AK-Fairbanks 0.5171
24 Boston Univ 0.5170
25 Mass-Lowell 0.5151
26 NorthEastern 0.5134
27 NE-Omaha 0.5133
28 St Lawrence 0.5107
29 RPI 0.5084
30 Notre Dame 0.5034