Pandolfo, Poti, Whitney off the top of my head.
Poti and Pando were out of the league last year as was Meyer I believe. Correct about Whitney, so make it 4 guys getting regular time who weren't on that one team.
Pandolfo, Poti, Whitney off the top of my head.
Poti and Pando were out of the league last year as was Meyer I believe. Correct about Whitney, so make it 4 guys getting regular time who weren't on that one team.
Pando was out two yrs ago, but came back and made the isles.
Poti, like Ricky, was injured (groin injury, a g-g-g groin injury)
From now on can you add "according to the player"
You raise a good point. "Allegedly" is becoming a common word in the BU threads lately, huh? Fits right in there with the "culture" word that pops up all over the thread as well.
OMG!!! Nick, weren't those games in MI?!? If Jerry obstructed justice there you should consider yourself lucky that there is no chance a MSU grad would be working for the DA!!!
I thought the Motherwell / O'Hanley incident occurred in MN.
I can't recall... Did Mary run an exposé in the globe of how Jerry obstructed justice when he booted players and claimed it was internal? Did the DA investigate? (Either middlesex or Norfolk since chestnut hill is in a different county). Seems like a nice fast track to news headlines and the governsor's office.
People being charged with crimes and appearing in court are a matter of public record, no? That leads to the vultures known as reporters. If what happened at BU last year happened with BC, you would have seen the same level of reporting on it.
BU reported the alleged crimes to the authorities.
No I think the victims reported the crimes.
Would it be too late for BU to use whatever freed up scholarship money there is now to try and get someone for next semester? Just curious more than anything. Not sure how the whole between semesters stuff works.
I wonder what "cal" has to say on the issue. Seems to me Yasin's been pretty unhappy at BU for a while now. This kid clearly has had a rough go of it in the luck category and while Terriers fans will discard him like a glowstick that doesn't glow anymore (or the way a puckbunny gets discarded on an early Sunday morning by a BU hockey player), he should be given a stick salute for working hard to rehab from these injuries so Jack Parker could "humiliate" him.
One would hate to think that after a rough game on Saturday night and his ill-timed penalty, Parker might have done something else to "humiliate" him this week and it was the straw that broke the camel's back. Pure conjecture of course.
I hate seeing these guys leave. Months of stalking wasted. Pity.
Jerry didn't an obstructed justice!!
Cisse is a below average to average at best skater who takes dumb penalties and can't score. I don't see the potential.
Cisse is a below average to average at best skater who takes dumb penalties and can't score. I don't see the potential.
Cisse was "humiliated" by being played on the first line and given time on the power play. Even though he wasn't producing any points. Wow, that sure is "humiliating."
What is "humiliating" is writing such an idiotic post.