Re: Boston University 2011-2012 Season Thread Part Deux
Google "Peyton Manning Tennessee sexual harassment", and you'll find one example.
apples and oranges
Excerpt from 'Manning'
Following is an excerpt from the book Manning (HarperCollins, 2000). The excerpt is taken from sections that appear in court documents.
The way it happened, Tennessee had hired a female trainer, and never mind that women in the men's locker room is one of the most misbegotten concessions to equal rights ever made. When Dad played, there was still at least a tacit acknowledgment that women and men are two different sexes, with all that implies, and a certain amount of decorum had to be maintained. Meaning when it came to training rooms and shower stalls, the opposite sex was not allowed. Common sense tells you why.
I admit that even in the context of "modern" life, what I did to offend this trainer was inappropriate. Not exactly a criminal offense, but out of line. I certainly didn't dislike her. I thought she had a vulgar mouth, but I always tried to be nice. …
Then one day I was in the training room and a track athlete I know made some off-color remark that I felt deserved a colorful ... response. I turned my back in the athlete's direction and dropped the seat of my pants. …
But I did it thinking the trainer wasn't where she would see. … Even when she did, it seemed like something she'd have laughed at, considering the environment, or shrugged off as harmless. Crude, maybe, but harmless. But as luck would have it, this particular trainer had been accumulating a list of complaints against the university that she intended to take action on … alleged sexist acts that, when her lawyer finally put it together, resulted in a lawsuit charging thirty-five counts of sexual harassment. In the end, the university settled with her for a good bit of money. My "involvement" made headlines.