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Re: Boston University 2011-2012 Part V: At least 6 more games, maybe 13... who's with
I also haven't seen Rhett lay a BC shirt over his fire hydrant and lift his leg while skating a long time. I used to enjoy that one.
I suggest we should be able to have a great atmosphere in the arena and still have it be family friendly.
Personally I think that instead of splitting the students up, they should have concentrated them all in the sections surrounding 118... sections 115 to 101 are students (or however many sections are required). People in those sections should expect to stand up for the whole game. Other sections, expect to be sitting down (and cheering) except for the points of the game when something brings you to your feet.
Cheers from the students need to be more creative. The "BC Sucks" thing inserted at every possible opportunity has become about as old and as lame as it gets. (Are they still inserting "the song" into the "seive" chant after a goal? Way back, I remember 108 being loud and even boarderline obnoxious, but never overly vulgar but at one point it did start to get pretty bad and they started leaving notes on everyones seats about the use of profanity etc.
There are some cheers that seem to be long lost that always seemed to involve the whole areana (not just the students):
- Rhett skating on the ice, pointing to sections 1-7, lowering his hands to the ice then lifting them up making the crowd louder, then repeating for sections 8-14... kind of like a contest between the two sides on who could be louder.
- Ogre or Roachman standing up with the "Hey Everybody... give me a T (etc etc) cheer.
I agree the atmosphere does need to improve though.
I also haven't seen Rhett lay a BC shirt over his fire hydrant and lift his leg while skating a long time. I used to enjoy that one.