To be fair, those people that called my friends obnoxious were only in those seats for that one game, so they clearly weren't season ticket holders, and may have just shown up for that one game. IIRC, they were a more elderly couple, so who knows what their views were. I do respect people's right to want to sit and watch the game, so I don't have a problem with sitting, it's more the culture of let's make this a "family atmosphere" that is so ridiculously perpetuated at Agganis where if you say a bad word, you scream at someone, or make any kind of negative comment, you're shunned. Last night after the fourth goal I yelled at the top of my lungs to the team to get their head out of their ***, and with the place being so dead, it was fairly audible. I fully expected some RSIG person to come down and get on me for using the word "***". Get rid of this family atmosphere BS, stop catering the sport to the Sesame Street Live families, and get the freaking RSIG language gestapo out of the dam aisles of every section. This is division 1 hockey, that's not a "family" sport. Sure, we should maintain decency and respect, and not turn into UMass, but this lecture hall family atmosphere thing has completely zapped the life out of the place and made it into a completely woeful atmosphere at times. Of course, Agganis doesn't care as long as they're still making money, selling their cold chicken finger boats, and RSIG makes sure to ask everyone that looks like they may be a college student to remove their hat to be sure that you're not sneaking in a nip under that hat. Yes, that happened to me this year. Of course, the older gentleman who walked in ahead of me with a hat on was not asked to remove his hat. In case you can't tell, I am not a fan of the way that arena is run and the gross negative effect it has had on our program, our fans, and our students. If there was a way I could still follow this team the same way I do without having to give a dime of my money to the clowns at that place, I would do so in a heartbeat.
Sheesh, I didn't realize I was that angry about it.