First to Jeb, yes, most people aren’t responding to you and Chuck. Why should we when anytime we do respond and present/ask a specific question or make a specific point, neither you, Chuck, or Whalers ever respond to it. I’ll even present an example in real time and we can watch it play out.
Chuck responded to Swan’s post about how to respond to a friend on Facebook that questioned how going to the grocery store is any different than voting by agreeing with Swan’s friend in saying “it’s a good question”. Well, anyone with a brain or, who pays attention to anything but Fox News or Rush Limbaugh for their news, understands that there are numerous places in this country, most of them in red states but, a few blue as well, where due to the closing of numerous polling places — almost always in the bigger cities and in the poorest neighborhoods, e.g. where the majority of people are minorities — create extremely long long lines and therefore long waits in order to vote. Sometimes as long as 3 plus hours. My question to Chuck is, how often are you in a grocery store for even an hour, let alone three?
Yes, the majority of an individual voting line is likely outside. However, if the line is that long, you’re likely going to be inside the actual polling place for at least 20 minutes. And, there we’re actually a number of people in Wisconsin whose became infected and whose cases were traced back to when they voted.
To close, I hope we can at least agree on the fact that one absolutely has to eat to survive. Meaning, at some point, we all have to use a grocery store. No one has to vote to literally physically survive — although, let’s face it, Trump’s complete negligence regarding Covid has absolutely lead to completely preventable deaths. My larger point being, I’m betting that Chuck likely won’t respond to this since he quit responding directly to any of my posts back in May when he realized he was definitely out of his weight class but, even if he does, he won’t actually respond to the counterpoint I made.