The DNC better find ways to counter this b.s quickly.
The DNC better find ways to counter this b.s quickly.
That pretty much sums it up. They've been selling God as a cure to the fire and brimstone they keep predicting is right around the corner. Jim Bakkar, Franklin Graham, Pat Robertson, Joel Osteen... Time and time again these people prove that an idiot and his money is soon parted....People are going to have to adapt and realize that this is just another kind of con, like ...evangelical Christians, ...
The part with Jared was the best!
I think people coming from authoritarian regimes are actually more used to it than Americans. They take it for granted that their government lies to them while Americans still have some trouble wrapping their minds around that.
“JUST IN: The top communications official at the Department of Health and Human Services accused career government scientists of plotting against President Trump and told Trump supporters to arm themselves ahead of the November presidential election.
In a Facebook Live on Sunday, Michael Caputo reportedly said the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention was harboring a “resistance unit" to Trump.
“JUST IN: The top communications official at the Department of Health and Human Services accused career government scientists of plotting against President Trump and told Trump supporters to arm themselves ahead of the November presidential election.
The Biden campaign needs to take over the airwaves in all of these places. Fill the silence. LP should buy ad time there too...