I think it is important to keep reiterating that we're going to win. The conservative robomen have been completely brainwashed. 91% of Republicans believe Dump will win.
And I'm a Lions fan. Lions fans know no lead is ever safe.
If you're scoring at home, or even if you're alone, that's 368-170. Largest win in 24 years.
Lions fans want to know what a lead is.
I'm a sports fan from Minnesota. No lead is ever safe.
NBC is getting eviscerated for scheduling the Trump Town Hall at exactly the same time as Biden's. Good. Chuck Todd deserves it. Many of his own people are ripping their own network about it.
Assume viewers have two choices. They can watch a locomotive, fully loaded with anhydrous ammonia, plow into an oil refinery at 60 mph, or you can watch a tugboat float lazily down the Mississippi river while a harp plays softly in the background. Which one are viewers going to watch?
I think the NBC execs are willing to take a chance on a little flack.
Men. Figures. Women better pull us outta this mess this time
Wouldn’t have expected Kep to play the role of Rover for this year’s election.
NBC is getting eviscerated for scheduling the Trump Town Hall at exactly the same time as Biden's. Good. Chuck Todd deserves it. Many of his own people are ripping their own network about it.
Sure, he's been a bit overconfident lately, but the important thing is that he's not such a Bernout that he's running around saying, "Look, Biden's a lock, so it's okay for us true progs to throw our votes to the Greens or write in Bernie."
Wouldn’t have expected Kep to play the role of Rover for this year’s election.