Are there ballot drop boxes there, or pure mailing back?
337,652 Georgians who did not vote at all in 2016 already requested ballots. This includes: 27% of Black voters requesting 49% of Hispanic voters requesting 52% of AAPI voters requesting 67% of voters <30 requesting Change has come to Georgia. #gapol
Just another brief reminder of why GvA has been hiding out in his basement for the last few months ...
Chuckles, you know that bit about firing the Ukrainian prosecuter looking into Biden's son isn't true right?
Get your info from Devin Nunes. Like I said, full blown Trumper.
Chuckles, you know that bit about firing the Ukrainian prosecuter looking into Biden's son isn't true right?
Get your info from Devin Nunes. Like I said, full blown Trumper.
Of course he doesn't. I am guessing Faux and OANN never covered the fact that the Republican Committee found zero actual evidence of anything when they looked into Hunter and Joe. He probably still thinks the investigation is ongoing.
Chuck probably also thinks Trump can run a 6 minute mile cause Gym Jordan said so...
Trumpers are funny. They believe Russian BS about Biden being unwell but seem to think Trump, a man who cant walk up stairs or down ramps and who can barely form coherent sentences is some sort of Greek God. They think of him like they accused us of thinking about Obama cause projection is their true religion.
Trump would be in better shape if he wasn't working 20 hours a day for the American people.
The chief of staff goes after FBI director. “With all due respect to Director Wray, he has a hard time finding emails in his own FBI, let alone figuring out whether there’s any kind of voter fraud,” Meadows says after Wray testified there’s no evidence of coordinated voter fraud.
Mark Meadows: College drop out who falsely claimed in his House bio to have a B.A., also fined in in a separate matter by the House Ethics committee. Chris Wray: Yale Law, Assistant Attorney General for Criminal Division under Bush, confirmed as FBI director by the Senate 92-5.
One White House official, speaking on the condition of anonymity to be candid, said the idea of a drug discount card was a “last-minute thing that is still being worked out” and originated in the office of White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows.