Re: Another Mass Shooting: It's Those Darn Video Games!
One of the more amusing things about this manipulation- the fear and anger that the NRA has stirred up has gotten people who have had zero interest in guns wanting them, and then making fun of people who don't have them.
I grew up with guns, and I'm 100% sure that most of these people have not had a real gun safety class, and are light years more dangerous than we used to be. I remember going shooting with some of these kind of people, and the look of amazement on their faces when I went through the procedure to visibly show them there was not a round in the chamber as I was taught to do.
I left my guns with my parents, as I don't hunt anymore, and I have no intention of shooting a person- which is the point of anything other than a hunting rifle. For the most part, I will defend the right to have some kind of gun, but I also understand that real things can be done to reduce gun deaths- one of the easiest being a magazine clip max and a shooting rate max. Less rounds off in X amount of time reduces the amount of people getting hit in X amount of time. Pretty simple math. But at least we can have universal background checks. It's amazing that we are so quick and thorough reducing one's constitutional right to VOTE, but we can't even examine the constitutional right to bear arms. Given that BOTH are laid out, it just tells me that you can make money selling arms, you can't make money selling votes.
It makes sense. The last fifty years have seen a steep diminution of the real purchasing power of the stupid to where now they really only factor in the economy as consumers of drugs, media, and cheap goods, and as a drag on public assistance. The losers lost in the free marketplace because they have nothing to offer except their numbers. They make nothing. They create nothing. They think nothing. They're in stasis.
Guns are the Great Equalizer. With a gun you can take what the better qualified, better educated person has earned. So they need their arsenals. They have wasted their lives and destroyed their childrens' future, so all that's left is to disappear into the hinterland and become brigands, hoping to score some meth and abduct some girls. They are in a cultural death spiral. Let sickness and violence do its work.
One of the more amusing things about this manipulation- the fear and anger that the NRA has stirred up has gotten people who have had zero interest in guns wanting them, and then making fun of people who don't have them.
I grew up with guns, and I'm 100% sure that most of these people have not had a real gun safety class, and are light years more dangerous than we used to be. I remember going shooting with some of these kind of people, and the look of amazement on their faces when I went through the procedure to visibly show them there was not a round in the chamber as I was taught to do.
I left my guns with my parents, as I don't hunt anymore, and I have no intention of shooting a person- which is the point of anything other than a hunting rifle. For the most part, I will defend the right to have some kind of gun, but I also understand that real things can be done to reduce gun deaths- one of the easiest being a magazine clip max and a shooting rate max. Less rounds off in X amount of time reduces the amount of people getting hit in X amount of time. Pretty simple math. But at least we can have universal background checks. It's amazing that we are so quick and thorough reducing one's constitutional right to VOTE, but we can't even examine the constitutional right to bear arms. Given that BOTH are laid out, it just tells me that you can make money selling arms, you can't make money selling votes.