Re: America's Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009 - The USCHO debates
Red Cloud, you've now sunk to Phil Dupree level stupidity.
Is there some sort of prize for that???
Let me clarify a couple of things however:
1) What in DeMint's plan actually lowers costs and insures more people? All he has is something about buying health care in other states. Great, but how does that bring down costs if the whole system is inefficient? Answer: it doesn't, its a "lets put out a vague plan to say we have one" but it doesn't do anything.
2) I can spend all day picking apart this editorial you posted (the best line is one of the first, that the program failed because there's still 200K out of 6M residents not covered, despite the fact Mass has the highest % of its residents covered of any state in the US), but what I find funny is that you agree with the writer, who says she wants a "progressive tax increase" to pay for the expansion of Medicaid to everybody in the country....isn't that the very thing you conservatives spend time railing against???? Holy Hypocrisy Batman, what DO you favor after all?
Lynah Fan,
I appreciate you giving an answer, but chalking it up to "inertia" seems a little too easy IMHO. More likely there are far bigger factors in employers not dumping health care, the first and foremost would be if they all tried it, most likely, the government would step in and stop them from doing so. Some companies already tend to not offer their employees health insurance (retail for example) so its not like that would be unprecedented. My theory is that 1) as you cite it would be tough to recruit employees if you didn't offer competitive insurance, and a company that dumped employees off on a more expensive govt option where bureaucrats made medical decisions would lose people left and right, and 2) the risk of govt action restricting a company's ability to do so.
If there was truly nothing stopping companies from not offering benefits, I'd argue they'd all be doing so already, as employee based health care isn't a new phenomenon.