Re: America's Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009 - The USCHO debates
NOTE: I've gone a page and a half so far beyond my original post, and I haven't seen one word yet talking about the specifics of HR 3200. Hopefully there will be something in the most recent 4 or 5 pages about this thread's topic.
Conservatives should remind themselves to keep their eyes on the road. The only thing that matters is getting the word out on what this bill is going to do to America, specifically as written in the bill's text. Taking the bait with personal attacks, smear campaigns, Fox News conversations, and other lowball tactics is playing a losing hand. The text of HR 3200 speaks for itself, that's all that you should be talking about. Reasonable people either already agree or will be horrified to learn what it entails. It is not important to engage the Obama heard - they have their marching orders. They are not open to even reading HR 3200, much less discussing it.
Liberals, you should keep doing what you're doing and if you're lucky, HR 3200 will never be discussed on this thread.
And that's what you call a 100% pure copout, my friends. Either this guy is unwilling to debate the text of HR 3200 or he isn't capable of conversing at that level.
Either way, I think you'll be able to understand why I consider this guy's choice of words as beneath responding to. I'm here for intelligent debate of HR 3200 and this guy just isn't fit for such an exercise.
Les that would almost be some great advice but... well, like condescending behavior shuts you off, hypocritical behavior shuts me off. For you to single me out and scold me for being "insulting" after reading so many other petty posts here, including some that went after me, well not only is that extremely hypocritical but it smacks of bias against any who would dare disagree with an Obama decree. I hope this explains, in a very noninsulting way, why I don't have any respect for your post.
Be that as it may, in the interests of being pleasant and merry while still maintaining my stance against Obama's socialist agenda, I shall repost the facts in as emotionally disinterested a manner as I can. Fair enough?
Because I really am curious now to see if I was singled out for the sole reason of being very much against HR 3200, or if giving a pass its supporters who came after me personally was just an "oversight."
Alright folks, I'm going to repost my original one for Les so he can read it without his sensibilities being rattled, and then I'm gonna read the rest of the thread.
This is my last non-HR 3200 related post on this thread. I don't have high hopes whatsoever, but if there's anyone in the Obama herd or even any moderate liberal above the petty arguments, I'd really love to actually talk about HR 3200.
NOTE: I've gone a page and a half so far beyond my original post, and I haven't seen one word yet talking about the specifics of HR 3200. Hopefully there will be something in the most recent 4 or 5 pages about this thread's topic.

Conservatives should remind themselves to keep their eyes on the road. The only thing that matters is getting the word out on what this bill is going to do to America, specifically as written in the bill's text. Taking the bait with personal attacks, smear campaigns, Fox News conversations, and other lowball tactics is playing a losing hand. The text of HR 3200 speaks for itself, that's all that you should be talking about. Reasonable people either already agree or will be horrified to learn what it entails. It is not important to engage the Obama heard - they have their marching orders. They are not open to even reading HR 3200, much less discussing it.
Liberals, you should keep doing what you're doing and if you're lucky, HR 3200 will never be discussed on this thread.

You think I am one of the people you are whining about...are you just kidding around or are you really that stupid? I ask this honestly because your posts are dangerously close to being Glenn Beck like...are you gonna cry too?
Why would I want to discuss a bill I don't support? Why would I care to engage with you anyways, someone who obviously isnt going to change their mind or go into any discussion with an open mind? You don't like the bill, that is great you dont have to like it. But I am not going to talk to you just so you can feel validated in your beliefs and can spout off the rhetoric bring something of value to the discussion and be willing to listen to what others have to say or whats the point?
But hey Glenn, if it makes you feel like more of a man to call me a coward and accuse me of being one of the big bad go right ahead!![]()
And that's what you call a 100% pure copout, my friends. Either this guy is unwilling to debate the text of HR 3200 or he isn't capable of conversing at that level.
Either way, I think you'll be able to understand why I consider this guy's choice of words as beneath responding to. I'm here for intelligent debate of HR 3200 and this guy just isn't fit for such an exercise.

gregg- You might find that people read past the first few lines if you don't start your post by maligning the people you might want to enlighten. I am not sure I like the bill but anything that starts out by condescendingly insulting people shuts me off. I never made it past the first few lines to see what everyone is all in a twist about.
Les that would almost be some great advice but... well, like condescending behavior shuts you off, hypocritical behavior shuts me off. For you to single me out and scold me for being "insulting" after reading so many other petty posts here, including some that went after me, well not only is that extremely hypocritical but it smacks of bias against any who would dare disagree with an Obama decree. I hope this explains, in a very noninsulting way, why I don't have any respect for your post.
Be that as it may, in the interests of being pleasant and merry while still maintaining my stance against Obama's socialist agenda, I shall repost the facts in as emotionally disinterested a manner as I can. Fair enough?
Because I really am curious now to see if I was singled out for the sole reason of being very much against HR 3200, or if giving a pass its supporters who came after me personally was just an "oversight."

Alright folks, I'm going to repost my original one for Les so he can read it without his sensibilities being rattled, and then I'm gonna read the rest of the thread.
This is my last non-HR 3200 related post on this thread. I don't have high hopes whatsoever, but if there's anyone in the Obama herd or even any moderate liberal above the petty arguments, I'd really love to actually talk about HR 3200.