Re: America's Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009 - The USCHO debates
What will HR 3200 entail? You decide. The first link is a conservative organization's list of "gems" from the bill that are somewhere on the scale of sketchy to downright alarming.
(I think a disclaimer would be wise: I already know the exact angle the lefties are going to use to discredit the organization's fears - because let's face it, the 80% or so of the world's population that believes in a higher being are delusional and unstable, they could never, ever have any legitimate concerns even if they cited everything down to the page numbers, right?

Seriously though, I could care less about the opinions of those people. This post is for people who aren't completely close-minded.)
The second link is the text of HR 3200 itself, all 1000+ pages of it -so you can judge for yourself if HR 3200 is overreaching and invading your private life or not.
Personally, I think it is every good American's job to be very outspoken in being 100% against this very unAmerican trillion-dollar piece of legislation. Insidious, nefarious, irresponsibe, and shades of 1984 are all phrases that come to mind when I think of HR 3200.
Absolutely, we need healthcare reform. But all that's needed is tort reform, not this abomination that Obama and his radical left cronies are trying to force upon Americans against their will.
I'm not even gonna try to read through this thread - so I'm sure some of this has already been said but then again, it's worth repeating. Here's my thoughts, in no particular order.
First of all, in general terms, bureacracies suck at running businesses. Outside of the DC beltway, everyone with half a brain knows the free market is infinitely better at delivering services than government. Amtrak is an inconvenient example of how pathetic of an entrepeneur Uncle Sam is, which is why HR 3200 supporters dismiss it without any intelligent response. And supporters completely ignore failed examples of socialized healthcare schemes in place today. We've all heard how bad Canada's socialized healthcare is. And then there's socialized healthcare in America. 30 to 45 days on average for a veteran to be seen at a VA hospital. 50 to 60 days on average for someone to be seen under the Massachusetts experiment with socialism in the medical field. This is compared to 10 to 12 days for Americans that use the free market system. You need less than half a brain to decide which way is better.
It makes me laugh when supporters mention that America spends far more on healthcare than other countries. It really shows just how foolish supporters of HR 3200 are. So they want to spend well over a trillion dollars on top of what we are already spending? Let me rephrase: Supporters of HR 3200 say
we should spend >$1,000,000,000,000 in order to get private sector healthcare costs under control. Someone's a moron here, either me for not understanding that logic or them for using that logic. Can I get some help here please?
Not to mention the timing of this full court press for socialized healthcae is just downright stupid and irresponsible of Obama. North Korea, Afghanistan, Iraq, the economy, Iran, dependence on foreign oil. There are so many things that healthcare reform should be taking a back seat to. Smarten up, Obama - apply your all-knowing and infinite wisdom to issues that are actually urgent and pressing.
And then you get into the specifics of HR 3200. It's shocking to see just how much those arrogant politicians in Washington look down on people like you and me. While the conservative group whose website I cited may have overly alarmist interpretations on some of the specifics (or quite possibly not), it is quite clear that the cronies down in DC have no respect for the average American's right to make their own medical decisions and show undisguised contempt for the average American's privacy rights.
- It isn't clear to me whether or not this bill gives the bureacrats the right or not to take money out of my bank account. It is plain as day though that this bill gives the federal government the right to get realtime snapshots of my financial worth and financial activity. This is outrageous government intrusion. Realtime ability also can help them keep tabs on the general whereabouts of all Americans that use credit and debit cards for most purchases. Shades of 1984, scary.
- HR 3200 DOES ration healthcare. Those that deny this are either lying or hopelessly naive. You aren't allowed to make decisions on what and how much treatment you can get. Your doctor doesn't make those decisions either. He goes by a manual written by a team of bureacrats in Washington.
- HR 3200 definitely puts the screws to the private sector, and it will probably destroy the private sector in time. Punitive taxes to employers who use the private section, provisions for auto-enrolling Americans onto the socialized healthcare plan when they switch jobs, there's alot of stuff in there that punishes employers and employees who don't embrace Obama's socialized healthcare plan.
Those are just a few gems, and there are so many more.....
But hey. Maybe politicians do know what's best for you and me after all. Maybe we do need socialized healthcare but we're just too stupid to realize it. So it begs the question - if HR 3200 is such a blessing, why are the none of the Congressmen and Senators willing to give up their own government healthcare plan? Hmmmm....
The good news is that the American people were on the ball with this one. Once word got out about the rationing and the government making the healthcare decisions for individual Americans, people started fighting back. Through town hall meetings across the country we're making it clear to those corrupt DC politicians that voting for HR 3200 may well end their political career.
Don't be fooled by the Obama town hall meetings - those were all staged. Go on youtube and look at Obama's town hall meeting in Portsmouth NH. Those questions he was asked couldn't be more sugar-coated if they were packaged in a Krispy Kreme box. That 15-year-old girl with the "mean signs" question was the daughter of Obama activists by the way. Isn't it quite the coincidence that although less than 1/4 of Americans support HR 3200, 100% of the people in that auditorium seemed to support it? How disrespectful to the American people (not to mention cowardly) that this guy packed the auditorium with his supporters instead of letting the average American in.
But I digress. Let that buffoon feel good about himself by insulating himself from us dirty commoners. The Congressman and the Senators are who we need to focus on. I'm telling everyone I see that they would be doing a great service to our country and to each other to take a half hour out of what remains of the summer and call, write, or email your Congressional delegation and tell them to vote against HR 3200. Keep their feet to the fire, and we'll win this one!
HR 3200 FUN FACT: Think free market healthcare is expensive? HR 3200 is over 1000 pages long and if enacted, the cost will be over $1 BILLION per page of text.