Re: America's Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009 - The USCHO debates
Haven't read much of this and none since a few weeks ago. Have to rant somewhere and this seems the appropriate place.
I work in healthcare- have done for ~30 yrs and now am in Primary care. I am not sure what "the Bill" is selling anymore because there are so many people trying to tweak it. I do have some thoughts on the way things are being distorted and the PR/propaganda thing is humming to the general public.
-Why is everyone ranting about rationed healthcare and the government controlling what we can do???? We presently have that. The insurance companies have control and the patient is paying them to have the rationing. Costs are going up exponentially (personally we have seen our coverage significantly decrease and are paying 2/3rds more than a yr ago) If you are rich or poor you get medical coverage. If you are the avg Joe you might get it.
-I work as a primary healthcare provider in a suburb. On some days more than 50 % of my mostly nice white middle class patient population can not afford to do what I tell them. They can't get the meds, they can't afford copays for specialists, tests, they can't afford to take time off of work, etc. Many times they wait until they are in crisis before they come back. These are working stiffs.
-Massachussetts plan is failing. The folks that used to save money for appts now shell out 350 (most closer to 600) a month for a plan that has mostly catastrophic coverage because it has a 3000$ deductible. I know of one person who is opting to pay the fine at the end of the year because it is less expensive than the coverage and she is more able to pay her costs without insurance. Can't make ends meet if she gets the required coverage. In my area there is one primary care practice taking new patients. The primaries are inundated and the resources to care for the influx as well as the availability of appts for many specialists are at a premium. They shoved this thru so Romney would look good but no one thought of the consequences without getting stuff in place.
-I routinely spend a few hours a week (I only work part time) filling out pages of paperwork for insurance companies about meds that are required. Sometimes they send 2 or 3 layers of paperwork before I get an answer. Formularies change every 3-6 months. Meds are on and off formularies because of deals between the pharma companies and insurance. They are not always on there because of evidence based meds. The paperwork is not standard. For some insurances they have multiple forms for different medications. Just getting the right form can be a challenge and most assuredly delays when the insurance pays out. I routinely prescribe generics but there are times when there aren't any that will manage the problem or the patient has a reaction.
I have had an insurance company (Fallon) tell me they would not approve a med because they had not deemed it safe. The patient was unable to tolerate all other meds in the class and was surviving on what samples I could supply. The drug in question was FDA approved and had been for months. My only recourse was to provide the patient with the name of the person rejecting them.
Another patient was started on insulin using a 'pen'. They switched insurances. The new insurance refuses to pay for the pen even tho it is cost neutral. The patient now needs to come in to learn how to measure out insulin in a syringe and use one which means extra cost for the patient, and the insurance company. It also means more waste- difficulty with disposing of the syringes, multiple supplies etc.
-The local PHO (physician hospital organization)just cut a deal with BlueCross that makes it literally impossible for patients to go out of network (they must see local specialist) even denying referrals for patients who have longstanding relationships with specialist who are out of network. This is unprecedented. Breaching an established relationship has never been done routinely before. There is no medical basis for this the only reason is cash flo.
- what is the shiz about the death committees? First- Medicaid already requires us to have on record a health care proxy. If you discuss that without talking about end of life issues you are not doing your job. Why is Palin trying to make out medical providers as puppets. We spend countless hours fighting the insurance for care, why would we be trying to deny it. Many hospitals have ethics boards that discuss questionable cases already.
-Many insurances are using HEDIs measures. They withhold part of the reimbursement until the end of the yr and 'grade' on certain measures. This may be well meant- they are measures that look at stuff like did the patient have a mammogram, did they have certain lab tests, screening tests that would be good care for their dx. This is all grand but if the patient willfully does not follow thru then the provider doesn't get paid even if they have hounded the patient daily (excellent use of resources, why is the patient not responsible for refusing to follow thru?) and documented it. There is great concern that these patients that are non-compliant are going to be 'fired' from practices that cannot absorb the cost. They can be let go for breach of pt/Dr relationship as they are not willing to follow advice.
-Mass is also allowing capitation- you get X dollars for each patient in a flat rate. If they see you 0 times you make out but if they come 100 times you are way in the hole. This has, in the past, caused practices to screen out complex patients or to find ways to get rid of them because they are so costly.
-Many insurance plans no longer cover an annual exam or screening tests. They do however dock us if the patient does not have the exam or do the screening recommended.
So- I have no idea what to do to fix this stuff but I would love if people would stop the idiotic and spouting crud about socialism and not being like Canada and throwing out everything that is being considered.
Why not actually stop complaining long enough to consider we are in big trouble. A large segment of our population is unserved/underserved for medical care that is standard in most industrialized countries. We are aging and the accuity of illness we are seeing is rising exponentially. We have no education to help people to prevent stuff- classes in health, nutrition and gym are being cut. More people cannot afford prevention measures so the population of people that are medically in trouble is not going to diminish. Folks can't help themselves when they don't even know the basics of prevention.
You might believe that it is each individuals responsibility to care for themselves but those that don't or can't cost us all. If they present sicker they use way more resources, they take more time to take care of, they fill hospital beds, they clog ERs. All this affects you if you need care and can't get a bed, an appt with a specialist, a test scheduled etc. (sickest get precedence)
If we are such a brilliant country why do we have people telling us it is impossible to solve something before we even begin to try. And now I am off to work to deal with it all again....
(whew that felt good to get off my chest)