Re: All Things Denver XXIX
Watching those two dumbells on CBS last night, combined with not being able to post on the scoring thread gave me a major case of gas. I can only assume their lack of preparation for the game stemmed from not having read Bacher's game notes. Otherwise it wouldn't have come as a "surprise" to them that Murray was a "last minute starter." Over and over and over again. These two simpletons finally figured out "why" Murray was starting on Friday and Sammy on Saturday, Sammy had been in the nets when we got shelled earlier in the season and evidently been scarred for life, or something.
Oh, and that particular drubbing was mentioned also, over and over and over again, especially when CC scored twice in the first, amid continuous speculation that history was about to repeat itself. No mention whatsoever about the context of the game, coming as it did so soon after Jesse's injury, possible death and uncertainty (then) about whether or not he would face life long deficits. Nah, just another Saturday night in the Springs, nothing to see here, move along. Speaking of Jesse, his class and dignity in responding to some of the most profoundly stupid questions in the history of sport, was a breath of fresh air.
CC played a great first period, while DU looked like the backstrokers in the Milky Way caramel only commercials. Better do better tonight.