New member
I saw Comley and one of their assistants giving the refs an earful on the ice after it was over. Seriously, they lost fair and square. They can go look it up in the rules. Comley may be a saint for all I know but he's reflected poorly on MSU the last few days and generally acted like a complete poor sport last night, as did several of his players. Howe threw a lovely temper tantrum in the penalty box and their goalie took to twitter to complain afterward.
Something tells me we're getting a gong show tonight.
Something tells me we're getting a gong show tonight.
I never saw it come off, so if it did, it apparently just lifted and came right back down, and didn't become dislodged so that it had to be put back in place. I've seen MANY times where that's been the case, and play is allowed to continue, because it's already back in position before it would have any effect on the game itself. If it needs to be put back into position, or the puck goes in when it's out of position, sure, blow the whistle. If it bounces up and back down before the puck gets anywhere close to it, then that's just pointless. And yes, I'd feel the same way regardless of which net we're talking about.
Not exactly NCAA, but I couldn't find anything specific about it in that rule book, but this is what the NHL says about displaced/lifted goal posts:
Emphasis added.
As for Comley being confronted by fans, I didn't see it, but I wouldn't be too surprised if a couple of people took it too far, as the whole arena was pretty much booing him due to his tantrum on the ice. Unfortunate in any case.