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Re: Adrian Hockey 2009-10: A New Hope
From someone that was at the game, Adrian really put the pressure on the Lakers. In my opinion they can justly say that they are deserving of being a ranked team. For much of the game they were pushing Oswego harder than most other teams had all season. With that being said, the team was too tense and undisciplined. I think the importance of the game got to them and they took too many chances that were just too risky such as pulling their goalie like they did. It was a ballsy move and while I respect the determination of the team I think they'd have done better keeping him in, especially seeing as he was their best player all night. Here's hoping we meet again in March, and good luck on the rest of your season Bulldogs.
From someone that was at the game, Adrian really put the pressure on the Lakers. In my opinion they can justly say that they are deserving of being a ranked team. For much of the game they were pushing Oswego harder than most other teams had all season. With that being said, the team was too tense and undisciplined. I think the importance of the game got to them and they took too many chances that were just too risky such as pulling their goalie like they did. It was a ballsy move and while I respect the determination of the team I think they'd have done better keeping him in, especially seeing as he was their best player all night. Here's hoping we meet again in March, and good luck on the rest of your season Bulldogs.