Re: A Discussion of US Immigration Policy
Not really.This has been quite an interesting day on the boards for you, hasn't it Bob?
Not really.This has been quite an interesting day on the boards for you, hasn't it Bob?
I disagree with your premise that what happened to her son is unrelated to her letter.I did nothing of the sort. I was pointing out the irrationality of pleading with the president to address crime A because your son was a victim of crime B committed by someone who also happens to be guilty of crime A. That being said, grieving mothers aren't required to be rational--myisn't directed at her--it's directed at the media...and you.
I was pointing out the irrationality of pleading with the president to address crime ...
I did nothing of the sort. I was pointing out the irrationality of pleading with the president to address crime A because your son was a victim of crime B committed by someone who also happens to be guilty of crime A. That being said, grieving mothers aren't required to be rational--myisn't directed at her--it's directed at the media...and you.
I did nothing of the sort. I was pointing out the irrationality of pleading with the president to address crime A because your son was a victim of crime B committed by someone who also happens to be guilty of crime A.
Construct new wall at former Mexican border.
With today's technology, I'm thinking we could put the Berlin Wall to shame in fairly short order.
...they've already shown more character than 98% of home-born Americans.
OK, my first post was a joke, but seriously? Sneaking into the country with help from drug cartels "shows character" now?
No, I get it. It's an easy choice for most of these people, because staying in Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, etc. guarantees as sh*tty existence, whereas if they make it to America, they have a legitimate shot a lower middle class existence, which is pretty much the 21st century American Dream™.
Don't hate the player, hate the game.
Kind of. Mexico has been making a real effort in getting eligible, talented kids back.Also: this has GOT to help us in soccer.
What policy
Kind of. Mexico has been making a real effort in getting eligible, talented kids back.
Plus it would be great to watch the Usual Suspects' heads asplode when we win our first World Cup with a team composed entirely of brown people.![]()
You've made a mistake in assuming that those folks pay any attention to soccer.
No, we do not. Not even close - assuming, of course, that you do not mean to abandon all of our other military missions at the same time. The border with Mexico is 1,954 miles long. 1 guy can watch, what - 500 ft of the border? That's 21,000 troops - per shift. Figure 6 hour shifts (at best), with travel time to-and-from barracks, so that's 84,000. Allow time off for sickness, training, leaves, etc, and let's call it an even 100,000 people who would need to be actively watching the border. But that's really not enough, because who watches your section while you're detaining someone who you caught coming across? And how can one guy detain 100 people coming across in a group? Figure everyone realistically needs at least one backup, so you're at 200K. Figure 10% overhead to manage and train all those soldiers, and you're at 220K - that's 16% of our total armed forces, or 40% of the US Army.
Not a realistic solution.
You've made a mistake in assuming that those folks pay any attention to soccer.