If that is truly the case, I would hope these debates illustrate who among the four major candidates is the largest impediment there, and how they could best send the message that they want no more of this.
Chutkan released Jack Smith's 180 page filing detailing evidence against Trump in the Jan 6 case. no news about what's in it so far, but the headline of the article I saw this in said "Let them riot" which sounds rather damning, and moreso depending on who it was that made this statement.
Chutkan released Jack Smith's 180 page filing detailing evidence against Trump in the Jan 6 case. no news about what's in it so far, but the headline of the article I saw this in said "Let them riot" which sounds rather damning, and moreso depending on who it was that made this statement.
He definitely stands out like a sore thumb...and truth be told it already was getting pretty obvious people are getting bored with it. A reminder of how things used to be should only make that worse.
The fact that Harris is going to have Walz doing a blitz of appearances and media seems to back that up.
And of course Trump is, on cue, going all vitriolic and saying he will not do another debate and he still won't do 60 minutes. I wonder what they will do with Vance because his attacking the moderators is not going to go over well with Legacy media types. Their egos hate stuff like that.
And of course, the media, especially faux, won't call him on the same things they were whining about Harris about- who then fulfilled every single "request".
We are so screwed that nobody holds that f-ing moron to account. For anything. From crimes to the same thing they demand of his opponent.
The comment is potentially even worse - from what I've seen it's "Make them riot".
“The rules were you weren’t going to fact check” is gaining a ton of traction from what I’ve seen online.
That and "I'm focusing on the future" were the two big lines from the debate and they both suck for Vance and Dump.
But the hilarious thing is the more the media tries to squeeze the "Vance was so polished and civil" story, the more that makes Dump look like an a-hole, and then of course Dump will throw a nutter.