Yeah those were the numbers I posted (or thought I did anyways) which I found to be in line with what I think the Veep debate usually comes down to. No one cares about the Veep policies because, as was pointed out by an awesome student in Michigan on MSNBC, VEEPS HAVE NO POWER! (note: find the clip of Marcus on MSNBC...that guy has a bright future and his mocking people who don't understand civics was great!) Veep debates are about who is likeable and who is ready to take over if needed. (Walz gained in that regard as well) The policies are known, now it is about who resonates. That is why in snap polling by everyone not affiliated with Murdoch or Qanon the debate was pretty even. CBS had it 42-41 Vance with the rest saying a tie. That seems in line with everyone else I read. No one really cares about Veep debates...its like watching the third place game. Everyone remembers a highlight or two, but that is about it. (and on that everyone agrees Walz won and Vance made a huge blunder)
Leaving out the other issues they have (we need money!) I think last night showed the issues Legacy Media is having with how campaigns work in the Gen Z era. I remember watching the '92 Veep Debate (not the content but just watching it) because honestly that was the only time we would see those guys talk outside of a 30 second clip on the news. Rallies were rarely carried live and interviews were fleeting so debates were must sees and the analysis after the fact was super important. Nowadays...just a different ballgame. While it is stupid that CBS wasn't fact checking (until they did because Vance is just awful) the truth is most of the people watching just did it themselves. When Vance talked about abortion anyone could google "JD Vance Abortion" and his whole "we aren't so bad" schtick goes right out the window. And lets be honest, the vast majority of people who were watching were not people who don't already know who these guys are. If people are so tuned out they have no idea who is running they aren't voting and they certainly aren't going to make a decision based on this. If that was the case John Edwards would have been a helluva Veep. Legacy media though is playing the game like it is still 1996 or 2000 and that just isn't the case. The slick act of Vance won't really work because everyone knows who he is.
Outside of all that, I think the one thing we can glean from this is that (leaving aside the policies) the people seem to want to go back to this style of politicking. I think they want an end to vitriol. I think they would prefer the two candidates, even if they completely disagree and don't like each other, to at least go through the motions of respect and deference. I think that is why you saw big jumps in favorability for each. Vance played the part of the politician, Walz played the part of the "Aw Shucks" and they had a discussion. I think politicos are arguing otherwise in some ways (WHY DIDNT WALZ ATTACK HIM!?!?!?) but honestly, I think the vast majority of voters who aren't junkies like us (and I won't lie even me) are just tired of that. unofan mentioned Pete and yeah Pete would have destroyed him on those issues and it would have been so damned satisfying, but I honestly am not sure that would have even moved the needle at all and it would have just lead to Vance firing back and then chaos and everyone tunes out. I think the country is exhausted and they would rather watch this than the Trump Apocalyptic Tour and the Dem response to it.
I could be wrong though.