I guess I’m the only one positive about the debate. She’s a former prosecutor, she eats rambling idiots for breakfast.
And **** what the mainstream media thinks.
No I am positive she will make him look like a dottering fool. I dont think the voters will see the contrast between them and choose him. Even if she is mediocre she will do better than whatever the hell he is going to do. I think, at worst, she will be boring and that will annoy him even more.
And while yes the media can eat every bag of dicks, we have seen how stupid the electorate is. If the narrative from the media is that she failed or he was measured that is what a significant portion (percentage-wise...like 2-5% which is big) of the voters will think. Not us, or people like us, but our votes are cast already. I am talking about the morons who "need to know more". The ones easily swayed by some putz on CNN saying Trump is a measured genius. I just don't know how many of those people are still out there and that is a concern.
The fact that 90% of the pundits won't even call a spade a spade is just getting annoying. I mean the Times basically agreed that tariffs aren't taxes on us...in an article where they were criticizing their own coverage of Trump. The man is openly saying disqualifying things and no one who is supposed to be part of the free press is even looking at it unless they work at MSNBC or on a phucking podcast. This stupid debate has been hyped up to such a level you would think it is the Super Bowl. And if she laughs too much or not enough, or if she wears black instead of blue, or if she stumbles on a name it will be a bigger deal to these clowns than the fact that the GOP is saying immigrants are eating our cats and Trump wants to jail his enemies...daily...IN THE OPEN! If he had a stroke on stage they still wouldn't question his age or mental fitness and after watching what they did to Biden that makes me sick. (but they want us to know they are worried about Trump and the free press...just not enough to report the truth)
I said it last week, even if she smokes him and they all agree by Thursday they will flip the script and say he did better than expected and "winning debates is not winning an election!". Just like how "Joy is not a campaign", "You need to do an interview!", "interviews aren't campaigning"...etc. The constant moving of goalposts is ridiculous.
In the end I don't know how much it is going to matter unless it full on kills her momentum. I think right now they have over $400 million ON HAND for spending. Trump is nowhere near that. And that is after they have spent a ton already and gave a bunch to down ballot races. The amount of people registering and
who is registering is what has me positive. Plus her approval in most of those demos has been steadily rising the last 4 weeks. Even if tonight goes sideways she is set to win a war of attrition. If she destroys him...well his rants will become longer and more frequent.